mr teddy bear
We’re not sure if we’ve every met a more laid back cat …. ??!! On the left, here, is a piccie of Mr Teddy Bear just before we began his session.
Mr Teddy Bear is a 15 month old Longhaired Exotic who lives with his housemate and family in Connah’s Quay, Flintshire, Wales.
Exotics are more usually shorthaired. The longhaired variety are classed as Persians by some of the cat bodies. Mr Teddy Bear’s coat was extremely dense, and had one or two tangles – and was quite overwhelming.
In order to give both he and mum a fresh start, we decided to give him a Lion Clip.
Mr Teddy Bear seemed to realise from the start what was going on. From the moment he sat down on the grooming table, he sat contently looking out into his garden whilst we clipped away. He literally didn’t move a muscle. He wasn’t in the least bit afraid of the clippers or the situation, but rather was enjoying the fuss and attention.
We decided to leave him with a full mane, and to leave it ‘natural’ (ie. uneven/raw) – rather than trimming it with the scissors.
We played some relaxing music for Mr Teddy Bear and we think he really liked it !
When we’d finished the session, Mr Teddy Bear continued to lay happily on the table for the photoshoot ! We literally had to lift him off and tell him it was over … otherwise he’d probably still be sat there !
After the session, mum Kirsty said :
“One extremely satisfied customer ! Not only did Mr Teddy Bear want to stay on the table when you’d finished, he hasn’t stopped bouncing around since you left ! He’s like a new cat ! Thank you so much, a lovely experience for Teddy and for us, I promise I’ll send some videos of his mad half hour ! He’s like a new cat, it’s amazing ! I think the weight of that hair was really inhibiting him, he’s running around, jumping up on everything and wants to be stroked constantly ! You’ve given us a new cat ! xxx”
Hehe … Fantastic. The change for Mr Teddy Bear must be incredible and he must feel like he has a brand new body ! Pop over to our facebook page where you can see a video clip of Mr Teddy Bear – Before his clip, then on the grooming table – and then after his clip, bouncing around with Reece !! What a difference in both mood and behaviour …
It was a really nice session … Well done Mr Teddy Bear !! Also … We wonder if anyone has noticed how your tail is so curly wurly and always hangs to the left ..?!!