Archive for February, 2017
lovely thomas
Thomas in Skelmersdale was his usual fluffy self when we caught up with him again in Skelmersdale, Lancashire.
Sessions have really turned around for Thomas. He now settles himself right down on the table and almost snoozes at times on the table.
No knots to contend with today, just a nice brush out.
Thanks for the eggs from your chickies, Thomas ! They were yummy !
happy harvey
We caught up once again with fluffy Harley in Chorley, Lancashire.
Harley is quite a cautious boy, and he was extremely fidgety during his last Session. Today – although it would stretch it to say he was relaxed – he was certainly more at ease.
We worked through his coat with no problems, removing the odd lumps and bumps as we went.
Nice seeing you again Harley !
floooofy aslan
Persian Aslan from Warrington, Cheshire was definitely ready for his maintenance Brush Out recently.
Although it’s only a matter of weeks since we last met up, Aslan’s coat was once again holding so much excess undercoat, the Session was hard going.
We’ve reviewed the situation and whilst Aslan’s coat is thicker (during the winter months), we’ll meet up more regularly. Roll on summer and those lighter coats …. !!
See the hair on the right, that came away this Session
cheeky chester
Here’s Chester ! Who remembers Chester from Warrington, Cheshire ?
We’ve met up a few times now and Chester is now quite relaxed on the grooming table. More fidgety as the Session progresses – but holds his calm with a bit of sweet talk and fuss.
As a British Shorthair (BSH) Chester has a plush, dense coat which always is ready for a good Brush Out. We ridded him of so much excess coat today. You must be feeling slimmer Chester ?!
miss malouse
We caught up again with Chinchilla Persian Malouse once again in Chorley, Lancashire.
Malouse isn’t keen on her Sessions, but we think that they are getting easier for her and she can remain calmer for longepr. Just a handful of moments today, interspersed with periods of calm.
Today – a Belly Clip and Brush Out was in order. A Belly Clip – Yes – but you’d never realise, under all of that big coat !
what a beauty
Broccoli benefitted from a Clip when we met up this time around in Manchester.
Broccoli’s Persian coat was extremely thick and parts of it wouldn’t have been combable.
More wriggly as the Session went on – but feeling much comfier afterwards. Well done Broccoli !
persian pat
Persian Pat Cat – Looking rather smooth after his latest maintenance Session in Blackpool, Lancashire.
Mum Barbara later said
“A very happy Pat Cat after his Session today. Slightly smug after being praised for not being the luggy mess that he was last time ! Nice belly and bib trim. Thanks Sandra x”
Nice Session Pat ! … What a good boy !
happy henry
Young Persian Henry in Manchester needed our help to remove his coat, which had become pelted.
We took it all away for a fresh start and he was such a good, patient boy.
It was great to hear from mum Else a few days after the Session who said
“thank you so much for the amazing work you did on Henry, he’s like a new cat ! He’s been running around the flat, doing lots of self grooming and, best of all, cuddling up on my knee lots ! He looks unbelievably cute and he loved the fishy treat you left him, so we’re both very happy. Else and Henry”
young esta
Young Persian Esta benefitted from a Brush Out when we met up this time around in Oldham, Greater Manchester.
Here, her coat is just mid length, following her Full Clip at our last visit.
Looking good, Esta !
fluffy sky
We caught up again with Persian Sky recently in Altrincham, Cheshire.
It’s fair to say that Sky isn’t that keen on his maintenance Session – but he knows that he feels so much better for it afterwards – with his Belly Clip and Brush Out.
Nice seeing you again Sky !