Archive for June, 2013
pretty gizmo
Here’s Gizmo – a very pretty 1 year old longhaired girl.
Gizmo has been at her new home for a few months now and is really settling well into family life and her surroundings. She is obviously much loved, and she knows it !
We were recently asked to meet up with Gizmo, for the first time.
Following the session, mum Aimee from Adlington, Chorley, Lancashire said :
“I found EssentiallyPurrfect on a web search. Excellent service and handled Gizmo really well. Will definitely be recommending their services to friends.”
It was lovely to work with you Gizmo … Thanks for calling us in, Aimee !!
friendly finnegan
We were recently delighted to be asked to work with Finnegan, an exceptionally handsome Domestic Long Hair (DLH) tabby. We think Finnegan is around 10 years old, and he found his current mum about 3 years ago. As mum says – Finnegan found her at the rescue centre, not the other way around. We’re not sure of his prior history, but the trust and bond that has been built up with his new mum is incredible to observe.
First we clipped Finnegan’s nails, then moved onto a good brush out to relieve him of dead undercoat. Finnegan lets mum comb him regularly, and his coat was in good condition with no tangles at all. His behaviour throughout the session was impeccable !
Following our visit, mum Natalie from Middleton, Manchester said :
“I was apprehensive as to how the session would go due to the fact that Finnegan is a rescue cat and is extremely nervous around strangers. Sandra immediately put both Finnegan and I at ease. The grooming process was both professionally and carefully done with the approach taken being purrfect(!) for Finnegan, with breaks being taken when needed. I will be using Sandra’s services again and would happily recommend her to other people wanting to go the extra mile for their cat.”
Thanks so much Natalie for letting us work with your boy, and we look forward to our next visit !
light as a feather
Come and say a big Hello to Feathers – a beautiful 9 years old white Persian.
This was the first time we’d been called in to work with Feathers. She was such a gentle lady and soon settled down on the grooming table, and took the session all in her stride. She didn’t mind her nails being clipped and was amenable to being positioned to best reach her hidden bits ! We were able to tease out one or two small tangles with the fingers, and then gave Feathers a good brush out to relieve her of dead undercoat. She didn’t mind her eyes being cleaned, nor her ears …. by the end of the session, Feathers looked so relaxed, she could easily have dropped off asleep !
Following our session, mum Kierstan from Wrightington, Wigan fed back to us :
“What I would say is that the home grooming was majorly beneficial not just to me, but to Feathers too. It allowed Feathers to stay relaxed in an environment she was used to, and also gave me the comfort of seeing exactly how you groomed her – as well as benefiting from the convenience of you coming to the house.
Feathers appeared to enjoy the grooming, and was very relaxed and it was very evident she was comfortable with you Sandra. I thought it particularly considerate of you to include the cat in the grooming, allowing her to smell the brushes and conditioners – it was only a little thing, but it’s the small things that make the difference.”
It was good to work with Feathers, Kierstan. She looked like a little princess when we’d finished, and we are looking forward to seeing her again in a couple of months time !
sweet bubbles
We were recently asked to meet up with Bubbles, an extremely handsome 3 year old grey Persian Chinchilla from Preston, Lancashire. Bubbles has been with his new mum for only 3 or 4 months, but is settling in well – and he thinks he rules the roost !
We gave his long, thick coat a thorough brush out and removed lots of dead hair and a few small knots. Bubbles had been playing out all night, the night before we visited, and had to be disturbed from his morning kip when we arrived. He promptly resumed his nap, as soon as we’d finished !
A couple of weeks later, mum Barbara commented that she has since been able to brush him for a few minutes each day to keep on top of the situation.
lady kitty
We were called in to work with an 11 year old ginger lady called Kitty, who over recent weeks had developed mats around her body, which needed attention.
Initially the aim of the groom was to tease out and save hair where possible, but it soon became apparent that this wasn’t the right approach as Kitty was uncomfortable with the brushing of the remaining hair – which, due to it’s thickness, still needed to be worked through quite vigourously. So we set about a full clip. Even the hair way down Kitty’s legs and on the feet was so thick and clumpy, it took a while to attend to.
Overall, Kitty behaved very well and let us work through her coat. On a couple of occasions she already seemed to be ‘helping’ with the grooming of herself !
Following our session, mum Christina from Blackburn, Lancashire said :
“I was really stressed about the condition of Kitty’s coat. She suffers from a neurological condition and arthritis, and hasn’t groomed herself for a long time. Kitty was also very sensitive to me grooming her and didn’t give me much time to make a difference. Her coat had become badly matted in places and I really needed help to sort her out. Sandra not only rescued me, but also Kitty – who now seems a lot more content.”
Glad we could be of service Christina, and pleased that Kitty is feeling more comfortable with her new coat !
wednesday and bindy
These 2 ladies are housemates Wednesday and Bindy.
Our services were called upon as both were in need of a thorough grooming session to rid them of excess dead hair – and relieve their tummies and mum’s furniture.
Wednesday is a rather beautiful black 6 year old Domestic Long Hair (DLH). It was her first experience of a full on grooming session and she seemed to understand quite quickly what it was all about. One or two tangles were eliminated, followed by a dry brush out. The amount of hair that came away was immense.
Bindy, at 12 years old, is a very pretty, vocal lady. It’s fair to say that Bindy is a little set in her ways, and likes her own way. She really would have preferred to have been enjoying her normal daily activities, rather than being told what to do on the grooming table ! Bindy’s hair was quite short, but very thick and in need of a good work through. We should have weighed her before and after because she looked to have lost weight after the groom !
After their sessions, the girls spent some time outside, enjoying the afternoon’s sunshine. After we had left, they were about to embark on a gardening session with mum !
Mum Lesley from Bury, Greater Manchester fed back to us after the session :
“The grooming that you did on two feisty cats has been incredible. You have solved the moulting problem which was really getting out of hand and the cats are now so much happier. They may not have enjoyed the experience at the beginning (never having been groomed properly before) but it certainly seems to have given 12 year old Bindy a new lease of life and her coat is so silky and smooth. Wednesday is just shiny black and her long hair is not matting or causing fur balls as much. I will be calling you again in 3 months to keep on top of the fur problems. Thank you again for a very professional service and the advice you gave me for the cats welfare. The grooming in their own environment was certainly the best treatment for the cats.”
It was lovely to work with the girls, Lesley – and can’t wait to meet up with them again !