Archive for August, 2014
little puddlin
We think this bonny little lady is quite young – maybe around 4 years old ? Puddlin lives in Kirkham, Lancashire with her mum – and wreaks havoc on the local wildlife.
We stopped by to clip Puddlin’s nails which were extremely long and sharp. Puddlin had other ideas – she wasn’t keen at all – and she tried her hardest to escape. Have you heard of the album “Slippery when Wet” ? Well Puddlin’s slippery when dry !
However the dirty deed was done, and Puddlin went outside to catch some fresh air. As we were packing the car up, Puddlin sauntered over for a quick head rub and to say goodbye. Friendly as anything.
Well done Puddlin – we know you weren’t keen on events. Hope next time will be a little easier for you …
wolf …… aka ‘the big bad man’
Now, just how handsome is this chick ? Wolfgang is a 3 year old Norwegian Forest Cat (NFW) who lives in Lytham St Annes, Lancashire with a few housemates and family. Not only is Wolf 3 years old – it was actually his birthday the day we called. What a birthday gift for him !!
Wolf is a big, strong lad. Not sure what he weighs, but NFCs don’t mature until they are around 4-5 years old so he may still get a little larger !
It’s fair to say that Wolf – aka ‘The Big Bad Man’ – really isn’t keen on the grooming process. Particularly around his rear quarters. However, that’s where attention was required !
We took away a few small ad-hoc mats from around that area and underneath. His coat is so long, it easily becomes tangled and picks up foreign objects. We listened to Wolf’s complaints and treated him with the due respect he deserved, but non-the-less got on with proceedings and we think that really, he knew it was all for the greater good.
Afterwards, Wolf went out in the garden for a wash and to sort himself out. A few minutes later he was back peering through the glass door, nosy crowing at what we were doing ! What a character !
Mum Val later said :
“Massive thanks to Sandra for her expert grooming of Timmy Tail, Baby Blue and Wolfgang today ! 🙂 Yes , WOLFGANG 🙂 🙂 Sandra clearly felt the need for a challenge today and offered to groom The Big Bad Man too 🙂 🙂 I’ve always believed Wolf to be a two person cat when it comes to grooming but no, Sandra handled him brilliantly 🙂 🙂 It’s fair to say Wolf wasn’t impressed though 🙂 🙂 🙂 I however am 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 It’s made my day 🙂 “
need an october maintenance appointment ?
We’ll very shortly be getting in touch with existing customers who we think may want / need an October session. That’s October – not September.
However, October is fairly fairly booked up already, so please – if you see this message first, get in touch to schedule in, and avoid disappointment !! Or we may have to say Sorry, we’re booked up …. !
fluffy mia
It was time to call in on the lovely Mia again. Mia is a Blue Persian who lives with her mum and dad in Nantwich, Cheshire. Or maybe they live with her .. ?!
We saw Mia just a few weeks ago, in the height of the summer. Today her coat was in a good state, but ready for a brush out – particularly underneath where it’s so long and curly wurly … It’s also thickening up, ready for winter already.
As usual, Mia was such a good little girl. She doesn’t particularly like laying on her side whilst we work underneath but she puts up with it whilst we get on. We think she knows that once that’s done, she finds the rest of the session quite pleasurable. Lots of fuss and attention – and she LOVES around her ruff being combed !
For those of you that didn’t see the video clip we filmed at the last session, here it is again on our facebook page. It is well worth a watch !!
is your puddy a lion ?
Sometimes a Full Clip or a Lion Clip is the best option for your cat.
It may be that the coat is heavily matted, and a fresh start is required. It may be a shorter coat is needed for health reasons. Or it could be that your cat doesn’t enjoy being brushed or combed and therefore it’s an easier option all round for everyone.
Mr Teddy Bear pictured here is an Exotic. Exotics are more usually shorthaired. The longhaired variety are classed as Persians by some of the cat bodies. Mr Teddy Bear’s coat was extremely dense, and had one or two tangles – and was quite overwhelming.
In order to give both he and mum a fresh start, we decided to give him a Lion Clip.
Mr Teddy Bear seemed to realise from the start what was going on. From the moment he sat down on the grooming table, he sat contently looking out into his garden whilst we clipped away. He literally didn’t move a muscle. He wasn’t in the least bit afraid of the clippers or the situation, but rather was enjoying the fuss and attention.
Why don’t you pop over to our facebook page where you can see Mr Teddy Bear during his session. Chilled or what ??!!
baby blue
This bonny boy is an 18 month old Blue Tabby Maine Coon. Hence the name – which is affectionately shortened to Baby day to day.
Baby is a nervous boy by nature. If you remember, at our last session (which was the first time we had met up with Baby) he was very apprehensive when we arrived. He wasn’t keen on being talked to or touched and spent some time checking us out from underneath his cat tower. Then, once in the chosen grooming room – before the start of that first session – Baby Blue was very nervous. He was calling out and looking for an escape route.
Today – although still a little nervous – we saw a much more relaxed Baby. In the grooming room, he initially calmly sat under a stool whilst we had a little chat. Then, when he was placed on the grooming table he lay down of his own accord. We think he knew that there was nothing to be afraid about.
Baby has a gorgeous coat. Mum is able to keep well on top of it. There were just a couple of small areas that needed attention, followed by a brush out. Baby definitely likes the attention a brush out brings around his front / ruff area !
Really pleased with our session today, Baby. Well done, you were very brave and you look gorgeous !
princess puddes
Princess, or Puddes as she’d affectionately known is an elderly lady that we call on regularly to keep her coat clipped short. Princess is a Red Colourpoint Persian who lives with her mum and dad in Alderley Edge, Cheshire …. and she’s just celebrated her 15th birthday this month !!
It’s important that Princess’ coat is kept short as in the past she has suffered from ingesting too much hair when self grooming, which has resulted in a couple of operations – basically to clear the intestines.
Princess is now well used to the sessions and today sat patiently whilst we got to work. She doesn’t mind her back and sides being clipped at all, but isn’t as keen on her undercarriage. However, saying that, she didn’t put up a fuss and we completed quickly.
If you didn’t catch the (very) short video clip we filmed of Princess Puddes after the last session, it’s well worth a quick look. It’s here on our facebook page.
Well done chicky … see you again in a few weeks time.
timmy tail
Timmy Tail asked us to call in on him again in Lytham St Annes, Lancashire. He is 2 years old, and is a most handsome Maine Coon. Quite hefty already, with still some room for growth as this breed don’t mature until they are around 4-5 years old.
It goes without saying that Timmy Tail’s most striking feature is of course, his tail. Although his face isn’t bad, either !
Timmy Tail obviously remembered the last session, and knew just what to expect. He was a good boy last time, but ever so much more settled on the grooming table today. He lay patiently whilst we set to work, removing the odd knot here and there and brushing out his coat.
After the session, he left the room. However, he went all of (2?) foot ! He lay at the doorway, intrigued by the clearing up process and just soooo nosey.
Nice session – Well done Timmy Tail !!
macy moo
We met up again with 2 year old Maine Coon Macy in Manchester, who was due her regular session.
Macy has a most thick coat, which becomes easily tangled and matted. She’s not that keen on letting mum brush her – although she is becoming more tolerant.
On the grooming table, however, Macy succumbs and lays patiently whilst we get to work on her coat. The odd growl here and there, but that’s all. The first session we had last year, Macy was extremely fidgety and determined to leave the table. Now she lays calmly throughout. It goes to show that most cats learn from the experience and sessions become easier for all.
We did some clipping to remove areas that couldn’t be brushed through – and the rest of Macy’s coat benefitted from a good brush out.
During a session earlier in the summer we took a short video clip of Macy on the grooming table. If you didn’t see it, why don’t you come over to our facebook page and take a peek …
A good session all round. Well done Macy, you pretty girl !!
extreme ?
What do you think about Creative Grooming ?
It seems to be becoming popular – especially with dogs, but also with cats, horses and other animals.
Why don’t you come over to our facebook page and tell us what you think …..
(By the way – this isn’t one of our sessions !)