Archive for December, 2013
gorgeous erica
We called on this gorgeous 8 year old Blue Persian in Swinton, Manchester to have a work through her coat. She had developed a few mats and tangles, and it was important to rid her of these and give her coat a good brush out.
Erica wasn’t overly pleased to find herself on the grooming table, however she reluctantly settled and allowed us to work though her coat with the clippers and combs with minimum fuss.
A couple of days after the session, dad Raymond told us that :
“Erica is definitely more happy and content now that she is rid of the matting in her coat. She is much more comfortable”
Fantastic result ! It’s so nice to hear such positive feedback after a session. That’s what it is all about – thanks Raymond !
wet and windy !
It’s been a damp, dark, windy day around these parts …
Make sure your little one is wrapped up if they’re playing out this evening !
gorgeous martha
This little lady from West Bradford, Lancashire is just 8 months old. She is a Persian Chinchilla and as such has a lovely, thick fluffy coat.
Matha’s coat had recently developed a few tangles and mats and that’s the reason we were called in to help. Our session was Martha’s first professional grooming session, and she was quite fidgety whilst we clipped and brushed. Not nervous or frightened in the least – she is a strong character – she just would have preferred to have been doing something else, on her terms.
Martha knows she’s a pretty girl … !
christmas jersey ?
Looks like this little chick got a new sweater for Christmas !
Did you treat your little ones to any pressies ? Bet there have been lots and lots of piccies taken over the last couple of days. Come on …
Why not come over to facebook and upload your piccies so we can have a look !
bobby dazzler
We met a lovely 2 year old Maine Coon called Bobby this week. Bobby lives in Macclesfield, Cheshire and we called on him to help with a few tangles and mats that had developed.
Bobby is your typical Maine Coon, in that he is so gentle – and playful ! He greeted us with a quick grip of his paw to get a good sniff, followed by licks on the hand, soon followed by a quick gentle nip ! Cheeky !
He’s a good size already – Large – but has another 2 or 3 years still to grow. This was Bobby’s first professional groom and his behaviour was fantastic. He lay patiently on the grooming table while we clipped, and seemed to know what it was all about.
As soon as the session was over, Bobby set about a mega self grooming session. Really getting to work on those areas that he hadn’t been able to reach for a while.
It’s a shame but it was difficult to get a really good piccie of Bobby, as he was so intent on washing after the session he just couldn’t stay still !
merry christmas !!
We would like to wish all of our customers, facebook friends and supporters a wonderful Christmas, and a very happy New Year. May 2014 be your best yet !
We really appreciate all your support during 2013, and it’s been such a pleasure being able to meet up and work with your babes (and you guys !).
Give each of your little ones a Christmas cuddle and a big kiss from EssentiallyPurrfect ! xx
lovely luigi !
Luigi … A lovely Exotic from Bowness-on-Windermere, Cumbria, who has the more unusual semi long hair. He is such a gentle, placid fellow of around 3 and a half years and he lives with his housemate Poppy, a British Short Hair (BSH).
A little nervous is nature, but we believe he really did remember his last session and was much more relaxed during our visit this time. He was very compliant whilst we brushed out his thick coat, and at the end of the session mum even had to remove him from the grooming table. He was so relaxed, he’d almost dropped off !
Following the session, mum Emma and dad Mike sent through feedback, saying :
“Luigi is looking purrfectly groomed and ready for Christmas. He looks like a handsome devil ! Thanks so much”
Fantastic ! Really good session, Luigi – you were such a good boy ! Look forward to seeing you again in a few weeks time !
friendly fred
This lovely fellow from Liverpool asked us to call to have a look at his nails. Fred is almost 20 years old, and is taking it more easy these days. He is no longer playing out, therefore his nails aren’t wearing down like they used to and they were getting caught on the cushions, mum’s clothing etc …
Fred is nervous of travelling, therefore a home visit from the groomer is just purrfect (!) for him. He’s also a little nervous of outsiders, but when we arrived he was settled on the settee and he greeted us with head rubs, and was a very friendly chap. Fred watched intently whilst we set up the equipment, and then didn’t seem to mind finding himself on the grooming table.
His favourite food is chicken. It’s fair to say that he LOVES it. Fred didn’t even notice that his nails were being clipped – he was far more intent on the plate in front of him. We’d finished the job well before he’d cleared his plate !
Well done Fred ! See you again in a few weeks time !
sophie and chloe
Two of our favourite girls asked us to call and see them again in Knutsford, Cheshire.
Sophie is a Silver Spotted British Short Hair, and is 16 years old – although she doesn’t look it. She gave us a head rub when we arrived and was a good girl whilst she was being brushed out. Her coat is short, but thick and dense and was ready for a good work through.
Chloe is around the same age, and is a Persian. Chloe’s coat is very thick and she too was ready for her brushout, although it’s only a matter of weeks since we last saw her. Her coat is in lovely condition and after her grooming session she looked like a princess … and she knew it !
What good girls ..! See you again soon !