Archive for February, 2015
gentle rosie
Hands up if you recognise this Lancashire lass ? This is 3 year old Persian Rosie in Thornton, Cleveleys.
It’s just 12 months since we last saw Rosie. Since then, mum has done really well brushing and keeping on top of Rosie’s coat. However, over the later months, mats had started to develop – particularly underneath and around the trouser area.
Rosie is such a sweet girl. A little cautious by nature – but her nosey-ness gets the better of her ! We worked underneath to clear the mats, then followed this with a brush out. We’re going to see Rosie again late Spring for a maintenance brush out to help prevent mats forming.
Good girl Rosie – We’re sure you’ll feel better all round.
striking tilly
Say a big Hi again to 3 year old Maine Coon Tilly in Blackpool, Lancashire.
It was time for Tilly’s maintenance groom and her coat was ready for a good brush out. She was definitely wearing her winter wardrobe !
Just one or two tangles underneath, but overall Tilly’s coat benefitted from a thorough brush out. Tilly wasn’t over the moon about the idea – she much prefers not to be messed with ! – but we had a good chat and told her how important it is to keep on top of things. Reluctantly, she agreed.
So -See you again in a few weeks Tilly baby !
haaaaarrrrry !
Recognise Harry ? Actually, it’s pronounced Haaaaarrrrrrreeeee – not Harry ! Harry’s a 2 year old Persian who hangs out in Huyton, Liverpool with his housemates and family.
A more gentle, friendly boy you could not meet. He is also very inquisitive and must know exactly what’s going on in his house !
Our session today was to relieve Harry of some small matted areas which had recently formed – mainly around the shoulders and armpits. Harry knew what it was all about and although he was a little fidgety, there was nothing that couldn’t be settled with sweet talk !
Well done Mr Harry ! Nice seeing you again chick !
gorgeous sophie
Our friend British Short Hair Sophie in Knutsford, Cheshire asked us to call in to see her again, as her coat was due its maintenance brush out.
Sophie’s 17 years old, and suffers a little from arthritis, especially around her front joints. This makes it more difficult for her to self groom. In any case, being a BSH, although Sophie’s coat is short it is very dense and plush and needs tending to in order to prevent matting.
Sophie watches the television in her bedroom and it was a shame we had to disturb one of her favourite programmes ! However, it was worth it. A lot of dead hair came away and Sophie now feels like a million dollars again !
gorgeous james
It’s about 4 months since we last saw this young man. Remember him ? It’s James from Swinton, Manchester.
James is now 14 years old, but he’s still quite a hefty guy. His coat is short, but as he doesn’t groom himself as much these days he needs a little help. Particularly around the lower back area which he finds difficult to reach.
We had a very gentle session today with James, which began with clipping his front nails. James didn’t bat an eyelid. We then removed a lot of dead hair from the coat, particularly around the flanks and lower back. James really doesn’t like being worked on underneath, so it is as well that his coat under there is much thinner. Also, clipping of back nails doesn’t rank highly on James’ Top 10 list.
Overall, a really pleasing session James. Well done, chick and see you again in a few months time.
our friend macy
We called in to see our friend Macy again, in Manchester. Macy is a 3 year old Maine Coon who lives with her housemate and mum.
We see Macy on a regular schedule to keep on top of her coat, which easily becomes matted. Macy’s not keen on being brushed, so her coat’s always ready for the session.
Although Macy’s by now well used to the sessions, she was a little unsettled today. Probably just got out of bed on the wrong side – like we all do some days. However, she was still compliant and we worked through those hard to reach areas underneath – and ridded her of a lot of dead coat that was sitting there. She has to feel so much better for it.
See you again soon, Macy !
exotic luigi
Here’s 4 year old Luigi – an Exotic – Also known by his pedigree name of Holy Smoke ! In the piccie, not quite sure if Luigi is laughing or yawning !
Some of you will remember Luigi as we see him on a regular basis. He hangs out in Windermere, Cumbria with his family.
Luigi is well used to his sessions now and they have become so much easier for him. He’s quite a nervous guy and the first time we met up he did his best to leave the table. Now, Luigi lies quite relaxed whilst we comb his extremely thick, dense coat. He’s not too keen on his underneath being combed – but he tolerates well. It’s always incredible just how much hair comes away, even though he has regular sessions.
Well done Luigi – see you again soon !
sweet alice
This young lady is 4 year old Ragdoll Cross, Alice. Alice is from Cheadle Hulme, Stockport, Cheshire.
Alice is the most gentle, loving girl. She loves being fussed, especially around her head and ruff.
She has a lovely coat, but it had recently developed a few matted areas – particularly underneath and on her sides.
Alice was very compliant during the session. Even though it was her first professional groom she obviously knew what it was all about. As we were working on her armpits, she was so chilled … Outstretching the appropriate arm, at the right moment. Helping !
After the session, mum Maria said :
“Thank you for putting Tazzle and Alice at ease during their first professional groom. I really appreciate your patience and caring attitude to my cats.”
What a good girl, Alice ! Well done !
gentle zebee
Who remembers this lovely chick ? Zebedee ! Affectionately known as Zebee …
Zebee is 14 years old and lives in Altrincham, Cheshire with his family. About 12 months ago, Zebee lost his sight, and he’s also on daily medication. However, he doesn’t let it get him down. When we arrived Zebee was as friendly and nosey as ever – checking us out and all the gear.
The session was all about nails and Zebee really did take it all in his stride. It was all over in a minute or so, before Zebee had had chance to even think about it. Such a good boy – well done Zebee !
Did you see the short video clip we posted last time we visited Zebee ? Why not pop over to our facebook page and see Zebee taking his daily tablet from dad’s hand and eating it like a treat! What a good boy !
pretty jess
This pretty girl – we think – is around 3 years old. She’s called Jess and she’s been with her new family for around 4 months. Not too much is known about Jess’ history as she was found wandering the streets of Bolton.
What is known though is that she is such a gentle, friendly, loving girl who is settling in well in her new environment.
Jess is now a house cat (and shows no wanting to go outside). As a house cat, it’s important that mum and dad keep an eye on her nails to make sure they don’t overgrow. Generally, fit, healthy cats that play out naturally wear their nails down. Also, to compound matters, Jess is showing no interest in her scratch pad at the moment. We’re going to try a catnip spray on it, to see if that helps interest Jess.
So, today was all about a manicure/pedicure for Jess. She lay calmly on the table and basically just let us get on with the deed. Although she’d rather have been in bed, she wasn’t phased by the session and afterwards popped her head back around the door as we were getting ready to leave.
The day after the session Jess herself (and housemate Lucy) told us :
“Thank you so much for coming to groom us yesterday, we both had a chat with each other in the afternoon and we were so happy our nails had been clipped and our coats were excess hair free. The calendar magnet is useful as reminds our Mum/Dad of the important dates. We are looking forward to our March visit”
Well done Jess. So pleased you’ve found a new, loving home.