Archive for February, 2013
sweet as honey
This pretty girl – pictured here with mum Tina – has just had a dry groom.
The session involved teasing out / removing a few knots from her long coat – followed by a brushing session to remove dead undercoat. A sweet natured girl, well named as Honey !
kitten initiation
Here is lovely Leela from Manchester, who has just experienced her first groom at 15 weeks old.
She has had her nails clipped for the very first time, and has enjoyed a gentle brushing session. Leela was given the chance to explore the tools (a good sniff, pawing and some chewing !) before learning she needed to settle down to be brushed / combed.
Leela is a British Short Hair (British Blue) and at the moment her hair is quite short. However, as she grows this will become a dense coat, which will require brushing out to avoid matting. The earlier a cat / kitten is introduced to being groomed and it becomes part of the normal routine, the better for all concerned.
radek. who is a pretty boy then ?
This beautiful little chap has undergone a transformation !
Look at Radek here on the right, AFTER his grooming session. He now feels so silky, and his fur sits flush with his body.
The 2 photos below show Radek before the session, with much dead uncoat needing to be removed.
We are delighted that mum Lorraine from Merseyside has kindly sent us feedback following the session :
Radek has been through a lot this past month with trips backwards and forwards to the vets that I was apprehensive about causing him any more stress, but after meeting Sandra she was so caring, professional and patient that she made the whole experience so stress free and it was great to see Radek looking like his old self, his fur is so shiny and soft I just can’t stop cuddling him !!!! Sandra is a miracle worker, I would’ve paid double and it would’ve been well deserved!!
Can’t thank you enough, and we look forward to our next appointment (well, that’s if you’ll have us 😉 )
Lorraine (and Radek!!!)
Of course we’ll have you (both of you!), and we look forward to seeing you again in due course.
a good brushing makes all the difference
Look at these 2 photos. The photo on the left is before PB’s routine groom, showing lots of dead undercoat (the hair turning lighter, and not sitting smoothly on the body). The photo on the right is after the grooming session. Lots of dead hair has been removed. See how smoothly the coat sits to the body now.
what a beautiful boy
Here’s one from the archives, of a beautiful boy from Rossendale, Lancashire who always enjoyed a good grooming session.
Why not contact us to arrange an appointment for your cat ? What are you waiting for … ?
bob the street cat
Have you heard the story of the street cat named Bob ?
This is a remarkable tale about an injured stray cat who was adopted by a London busker.
James the busker nursed Bob back to health, and in return Bob has changed his life. You may have seen the book of the story on sale. Read more, and watch the video clip here :
cat takes the monopoly !
Monopoly fans have voted to replace the token iron with a cat-shaped playing piece.
The cat received 31% of votes cast, and will join the existing tokens which include a battleship, racing car and a top hat. The new version of the game will be produced in the coming months and will be available to buy later this year
did you know ? pacing and diagonal gait
When walking, cats use a ‘pacing’ gait. This means they move both legs on one side of their body, then the two legs on the other side – which is uncommon in most mammals. However as cats speed up to a trot or a run, the gait becomes the more common ‘diagonal’ (opposite foreleg and hind legs moving at the same time).
10% discount for new customers / multicat households
Current offer : All new customers, and multicat households (where multiple cats are groomed on the same day) are entitled to a 10% discount off the price of the groom(s). What are you waiting for ? Please get in touch to book your appointment today !