mr bertie
This Silver Tabby Maine Coon lives with his housemates and family in Flixton, Manchester. He is almost 5 years old, is called Bertie – and he is an Extra Large chap !
Bertie is a very good natured young man, and this was the first time we’d met up with him. His long, wooly coat had been matted – particularly around the rear quarters, lower back and sides. We decided to give him a partial clip, for a fresh start.
Although a little fidgety at times, Bertie managed to stay calm and obliging on the grooming table. Not the least bit afraid of the clippers. In fact, he preferred any knots to be clipped rather than a harsh brush.
We think he knew what we were up to, and we’re pleased that he’ll now be feeling so much more comfy. It’s a sham the piccie is a little blurry. We’ll get a better one next visit.
After the session, the first thing on Bertie’s mind was topping up his tum – followed by a good self groom in his favourite spot on the sofa.
Mum Marian later said :
“I cannot recommend Sandra enough. She took on 2 heavily knotted Maine coon cats who were no easy clients and with patience, care and expertise turned them into matt-free and silky-coated felines. Thank you Sandra we look forward to seeing you again as arranged !”
Really nice meeting up, Bertie. Looking forward to seeing you again in a few weeks time !