merlot and mango
Merlot (piccie on the left) is around 5 years old, and is such a friendly little lady. She sat patiently whilst she had her nails trimmed and was such a good girl.
Her new housemate, Mango is also friendly – and so gentle and placid. Mango is around 2 years old and is lucky to have just been adopted by the family from a shelter. She is settling into her new life very well ! Mango’s coat is quite long, and was tufty in parts – which needed a good work through.
The hair on Mango’s lower tummy is quite curly – almost like a Selkirk Rex – but the rest of her coat is straight, and the colouring is quite vivid. By the end of the session she was so relaxed it was difficult to get a good piccie of her. Then, after the session Mango literally had to be lifted from the grooming table, and placed back on her bed where she continued to snooze !
Two lovely girls from Lostock Hall, Preston, Lancashire.