little tessa
It was so nice to call in and meet little Tessa, who lives in Liverpool, Merseyside with her mum.
Tessa is almost 15 years old and has recently suffered from a few health problems and operations.
Although Tessa’s cost isn’t long, Tessa hasn’t been able to keep on top of it like she used to. So, just a few clumps had developed around her sides and lower back. We were able to tease out most of them with fingers and the comb. Just one stubborn area needed to be zipped off with the clippers.
Tessa has had her fair amount of test and being fiddled with over recent months at the vets so she wasn’t too enamoured to find herself at the centre of attention once again. However, she coped very well and afterwards enjoyed lying out in the hallway soaking up with sunbeam for a few minutes before going playing out.
Following the session, mum Anne said :
“Sandra came to visit my beautiful Tess yesterday and attempt to make the clumps of fur disappear.
Sandra was so calming for both myself and Tess, having listened to our horrendous past 6mths – Tess’ diagnosis with a huge brain tumour, operation and recovery period. Sandra was able to remove 90%of the fur clumps by combing through and only had to use clippers on one tiny area. She was extremely patient, calming and reassuring towards Tess who was rather feisty at times to say the least. Within 5 minutes of the procedure Tess was back to her normal laid back self, not appearing to be bothered at all. Thank you Sandra for making the experience for Tess and myself as painless as possible. Tess has allowed me to groom her back and sides today and her coat looks so glossy again. I shall continue to do this daily knowing Tess is unable to reach these areas herself. Kind regards Anne xxxx”
Good girl Tessa … Look after yourself little girl.