handsome herbie
Herbie. A most gorgeous 3 year old Maine Coon who hangs out in Warrington, Cheshire with his housemate and mum and dad.
Remember him ? How could you forget this pretty face !
It is a good few weeks since we last saw Herbie and he’d developed a few knots underneath which we needed to take away with the clippers. The rest of his coat was worked through with the comb and it was definitely ready for it.
Herbie looked really well for it afterwards. We know that Herbie’s not keen on the sessions but despite quite a lot of swearing on his part, he managed to hang it together very well whilst we got on with the job in hand. He obliged with various limbs whilst we worked through his coat. Lots of sweet talk from mum (right into his ear – no exaggeration !) definitely helped.
Well done Herbie – you deserve (and no doubt got) lots of praise !