gorgeous moz
We last met up with Moz exactly 12 months ago. At that point he was almost 12 months old, and what we described as a medium sized lad. Today – he is Large, with a capital L (!).
Moz is a Red Silver Shaded Maine Coon and he lives with his litter brother and family in Denton, Manchester.
His coat was clear of any mats or knots, so just needed a good brush through – to relieve him of bits of garden, that he was carrying around with him ! Twigs and the like … !
Moz was much more relaxed this session and managed to lay quite patiently whilst we worked underneath and around his bod.
It was a hot afternoon and after the session, Moz was straight out into his garden to chill … Well, not for that long – he had to come back in a couple of times for a nosey !
After the session, mum Amanda said :
[Bowie’s story was posted a couple of days ago]
There’s a VERY short video clip of Moz on our facebook page, if you want to pop over and have a facebook page to have a look.
Well done Moz … Really good boy !