gorgeous josh
This lovely boy – 15 years old ! – has fallen on his feet. It’s lovely to see him being looked after, and that he has such a caring home.
Josh is a long haired domestic (DLH) and as such his coat was in need of a good brush out to remove tangles and clumps that had formed. Plus, a belly clip (hair shaved away underneath, to rid him of the mats).
It was a long session and Josh’s behaviour was impeccable. So patient, whilst we clipped away at the tight mats that had formed – and a little vocal as we teased out and brushed through his thick coat.
Adoptive mum Margaret will now be able to comb through his coat – and Josh has no reason to grumble ! After the session, Margaret in Dunkinfield, Greater Manchester told us :
“Prior to your visit our adopted 15 year old cat Josh was looking very glum. He looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. However it wasn’t the world that was weighing him down it was the large mats he had developed in his fur !!! He was quite well behaved for Sandra during his 4 hour grooming session which consisted of shaving and combing. Sandra’s patience is second to none and Josh connected with her straight away. Like a lot of middle aged men he did get a bit grumpy at times and I’m sure I heard him swear under his breath. However, Sandra won him over and I’m sure he missed her when she had gone. It was lovely to see him groom himself that evening. How proud he looked and still does. It’s taken years off him and he’s now strutting his stuff on the estate where he lives with his new adopted carers x”
Thanks so much Margaret – and so nice to meet you Josh !