gorgeous geoffrey
Now, you don’t know Geoffrey – but he’s such a character it won’t take you long to adore him.
Geoffrey is a black Maine Coon who hangs out in Altrincham, Cheshire with his family and quite a houseful of housemates. Oh, and actually it is his birthday this Saturday. 4 years old !
He’s a very inquisitive young man is Geoffrey. Likes to know what’s going on in his house. However, it’s fair to say that he wasn’t that keen on finding himself on the grooming table … and he wasn’t afraid to speak his mind ! Can’t really repeat it here, but you get the idea.
Anyhow, we worked through a few knots that needed to be removed – mainly underneath and around the trousers. Mum came into the session part way through, and that appeased Geoffrey a little. We sometimes find this helps – sometimes it doesn’t. We always play each session by ear.
Following the session, mum Lesley said
“It was a great pleasure to meet Sandra today. After a grooming experience that left me feeling rather uncomfortable my cats hadn’t been properly groomed for some time!! Sandra was so patient, kind and very gentle with the cats and me!! A very positive experience for all of us. Many, many thanks and hope to see you again if you’re brave enough!! Xxx”
After the session Geoffrey was sure strutting his stuff around the garden, looking very chilled !
Looking forward to next time already, Geoffrey !