coco sweetie
This young man is 10 month old Persian Coco from Liverpool. He’s only been with his new mum for about 1 month, but boy – has he fitted in, and boy – does he think he’s the boss ?!
Coco lets his mum brush on top, which is a good job as his coat is so thick and full. However, a few knots and mats had developed underneath as this is a no-go zone.
We decided to give Coco a belly clip to free him up under there and give him and mum a new start and chance of brushing as the hair regrows.
It’s fair to say that Coco was very fidgety during the session, and determined that it wasn’t going to happen. However, happen it did, and you can see from his face that as soon as we told him it was all over, he was all smiles and kisses. Lots and lots of licks – which we took as a thank you !! A real gorgeous boy, but with attitude !
Well done Coco – be good for mum !