beautiful bella
What a gentle girl Bella is. Just 20 months old, this tabby Maine Coon lives with her canine housemates and family in Chorley, Lancashire.
She’s a pretty little girl – who it seems thinks she one of the dogs ! She likes to play with them (although it seems that she’s got the upper hand) and walk out with them in the fields.
Bella is groomed by mum, but isn’t too keen on her underneath nor armpits being touched. Whilst her top coat is fine and silky without a knot in sight, just one or two tangles had developed on her undercarriage. We heard a few choice words whilst we set about removing them – and a few wriggly moments from the lady herself – but that’s all.
Afterwards, Bella was all smiles whilst she stretched out on the floor watching us clear up. … and she takes a good piccie !
Well done sweetie !