Archive for April, 2015
cutie konnie
Another gentle session with 4 year old Maine Coon Konnie in Warrington, Cheshire.
Konnie’s a hefty girl with a gorgeous coat. During the winter time there had been a period of over self grooming – but that has passed and today Konnie’s coat enjoyed a gently brush out. Not a tangle in sight, as both she and mum keep well on top of Konnie’s coat.
Lovely ! Well done girls !
bonny bola
Bola the Persian Chinchilla asked us to call in again to work through her coat.
We have now had 4 or 5 sessions with his young lady in Preston, Lancashire and she’s definitely getting a little more into the swing of things. She’s not over enamoured – don’t get us wrong – but she understands what’s it’s all about, albeit with a little complaining.
Mum and Bola are well on top of Bola’s coat and there were no knots or tangles to deal with. Just a brush out to rid her of excess hair.
Well done Bola, little chick. See you again in a few weeks time ….
beautiful bella
What a gentle girl Bella is. Just 20 months old, this tabby Maine Coon lives with her canine housemates and family in Chorley, Lancashire.
She’s a pretty little girl – who it seems thinks she one of the dogs ! She likes to play with them (although it seems that she’s got the upper hand) and walk out with them in the fields.
Bella is groomed by mum, but isn’t too keen on her underneath nor armpits being touched. Whilst her top coat is fine and silky without a knot in sight, just one or two tangles had developed on her undercarriage. We heard a few choice words whilst we set about removing them – and a few wriggly moments from the lady herself – but that’s all.
Afterwards, Bella was all smiles whilst she stretched out on the floor watching us clear up. … and she takes a good piccie !
Well done sweetie !
friendly oliver
A new member of our crew for you to meet today : Oliver, who hangs out in Bolton, Greater Manchester.
Oliver is around 2½ years old, and he’s a British Short Hair, with a long hair gene (a British Longhair). He’s quite a hefty guy, weighing in at around 8kg (18lb), and he’s the most sweet, adorable, gentle boy you could imagine.
We decided to give Oliver a Lion Clip as parts of his coat were matted, and the remainder was thick and would have been difficult to brush out. See piccie on right of Oliver’s big, thick coat before the session. We began on top – which was fine, Oliver said. However, Oliver wasn’t at all keen on lying on his side so we could reach his undercarriage. Therefore, we did as much of the session as feasibly possible from the top. Quite squirmy to say the least whilst we were working around his rear quarters and back legs – but happy as Larry when we were fussing around his head !
We’re sure that Oliver will approve of his new look and feel much more comfortable for it. Good stuff, Oliver !
In fact, a little while after the session, mum Sue told us :
“Oliver is such a happy little chap now, contented and likes to play more. I got him from the cattery a couple of days ago. No knots, not grumpy but happy. So thank you for your hard work and see you in July”
Looking forward to seeing you again in a few weeks time chicky !
sweet maggie
Maggie – a lovely 15 year old girl in Westhoughton, Bolton, Greater Manchester called us up as she wanted a session to work through her coat.
Although Maggie’s coat isn’t long, it’s quite thick and she’s unable to look after it herself. In fact, mum reported that Maggie doesn’t groom. So, her coat had become extremely thick and heavy and she was obviously bogged down with it.
Very vocal is Maggie, but not a bad bone in her body. She was a little unsettled at the start of the session whilst she got into the swing of things – fidgety, that’s all – but as we progressed (and moved to combing the nicer areas !) it was evident that Maggie was actually enjoying herself a little. She chilled to the music we played for her, and she even began to groom her chest and front legs, whilst we were combing her back.
A lot of dead hair came away and we’re sure that Maggie now feels so much lighter in body and mind ! Well done Maggie !
Following the session, mum Helen said
“Maggie looks absolutely fab following her groom on Friday. She looks very slinky and years younger. She also definitely has a spring in her step and has actually being going to the door to be let out into the garden !!! Reminds me of her younger days. Nice to see a twinkle in her eye again !! Thanks again”
gorgeous milo
Here’s Milo – a Silver Tipped Chinchilla Persian from Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria.
Milo is just under 2 years old and a most handsome devil ! His coat is thick and lush and was definitely ready for a Spring brush out.
Although he is groomed regularly by his family he wasn’t that keen on the idea on a formal session as time went on. We decided to make some of the hair on his belly shorter, to make it easier to maintain going forward and removed lots of dead hair from around his body. He’s really not keen on his tail being combed and this was evident by just how thick it was. However, it had to be done and it now looks a lot sleeker !
Good session, Milo ! Well done !
the lovely luigi
We called in to see Luigi in Windermere, Cumbria again as he was due his regular brush out. Luigi is an Exotic with semi-long hair and his coat is always soooooo dense although we meet up every few weeks.
Since we last saw him, Luigi has been through a house move and both he and his housemate have settled really well into their new surroundings. Not phased at all.
Today, Luigi’s coat was extra thick as he was at that time of year when he’s really losing that winter coat. Lots and lots and lots came away and by the end of the session, we’re sure that Luigi had lost a pound or two ! See piccie of the hair that came away for proof !
See you again in a few weeks Luigi …
friendly furby
Furby. Look at that sweet as sugar little smile !
Furby is a two year old Persian who now lives in Colne, Lancashire. He has been with his new family for just a matter of weeks – but he’s really settled in well and you’d think he’d been there since being a kitten.
Furby’s coat was huge (see piccie of Furby taken before we began the session) – but in lovely condition on top, where he lets his mum comb …. However, he’s not keen on his undercarriage being attended to. He had developed a few mats – mainly under his armpits and on his chest.
We began the session very calmly – but as we began to work underneath Furby became quite cheeky and told us in no uncertain terms that this wasn’t his idea of Sunday morning fun.
However, a little later on – minus mats and plus a few Dreamies – Furby was all smiles again.
Two or 3 weeks after the session, mum Christine told us :
“He’s like a totally different cat. So glad we had him done ..”
We’re certain you’ll be more comfy now Mr Furby !
sweet nelson
8 year old Maine Coon Nelson in Wilmslow, Cheshire asked us to call in again to see him.
Nelson’s a really friendly young man, who likes to play out in his garden and beyond and collect all sorts of twigs and bracken in his long coat. However, saying that, today Nelson’s coat was the best we’ve seen it as his maintenance session was so timely.
Just a few ad-hoc knots and mats that needed to be removed, followed by a good brush out – particularly around his lower back / spinal area. It could well be that as Nelson is a little older now he’s finding it more difficult to reach those parts when he is grooming.
We had a good chat during the session. Nelson told us all about the goings on in Wilmslow since last time we met up. Quite a tale !
Well done Nelson. You do look handsome !
lovely rafail
This young man – Rafail, in Liverpool, Merseyside – spent his first birthday being groomed. What a birthday present for him !
Rafail is a Siberian (Siberian Forest Cat) and is the most gentle, loving boy you could meet – with a very playful side to him. He does not, however, like being groomed – and he does everything his squirmy body can think of to get out of the situation. He’s already 7.5kg (16lb) – so quite a hefty boy, and another 4 years until he reaches maturity !
Rafail had developed matted areas around his lower body and underneath – as he just won’t let mum brush him. We clipped away the offending areas, under protest, and gave his coat a brush out to rid him of that dead winter hair that was sat there.
Vocal ? The neighbours no doubt thought someone was being murdered. However, after the session Rafail was still friendly, albeit momentarily a little subdued. Reports from mum, later, said he was back to his cheeky self within no time !
Well done, Rafail !