Archive for March, 2015
maintenance appointments really do help …
Some of you will know that each month we send Reminders to existing customers (who have said they want Reminders), who we feel would benefit from a maintenance session. This helps to reduce the risk of mats forming going forwards. We only remind once – not again the following month or it would become a drain on resources, plus we’re not hassling – just reminding.
Where customers don’t arrange a maintenance session, we often see them again months later when significant problems have developed. Often the coat is once again at crisis stage.
Our current pricing allows a proviso of £25 dependent on coat condition / interaction during the session. This is because until we meet and work with your cat, we’re not sure exactly what we’re dealing with. This will continue to stand for new customers.
However, from today (31 Mar 15) : Any appointments booked with existing customers who have either not taken up our advice of the maintenance session appointment, or have said that they don’t want Reminders – where the coat is now difficult to work through again due to matting or pelting – will attract a £45 proviso rather than £25. This is because the sessions are inevitably more difficult for both us and your cat.
Hope this is acceptable but any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to let us know. Thanks.
gentle spirit
Spirit is 7 years old and a most gentle and quiet young man. He’s a Himalayan Persian who hangs out in Cheadle, Stockport, Cheshire.
Mum had decided to give her boys a home groom session to see how they fared – and it worked out really well.
Spirit’s coat was well maintained – not too thick at all and only a couple of small knotted areas. Amazing, as it seems that Spirit does most of the maintaining himself ! It was a very calm, gentle get together. Spirit was very obliging – and purred his way through the session as we brushed him out.
A few days after the session, mum Abi said
“Sandra arrived on time with all equipment she needed-including soothing cat music! Rufus went 1st for his Lion cut. He proved a bit of a handful but was dealt with patiently and with love. Spirit went 2nd and was an easier propostion who purred through the whole process!!!
Rufus took a bit of getting used to his new look but think he now loves it-must be a relief to be free from all those tangles. He is currently following me around like a puppy! Spirit is his usual model self, knows he is beautiful and likes to keep it that way ! Thanks to Sandra for such a professional service and great results! Look forward to the next session.”(Rufus’ story was published a few days ago). See you again in a few weeks time, Spirit ….!
how gorgeous …
Thanks so much to the lovely Elsa and mum Janice in Stockport, Cheshire for the gorgeous flowers ! It was so nice seeing you all again xx
mister buster
Say Hi to this 9 year old Maine Coon from Mobberley, Knutsford, Cheshire. Buster.
Buster is a very nervous guy and this session was all about clipping his coat back to make life easier all round for everyone. Also, Buster’s flanks / trouser areas were a little thick and matted, so these needed to come away.
It’s fair to say that Buster wasn’t as keen on the idea as we were. We began quietly and calmly, but Buster didn’t tolerate too much attention. However, we took away the bulk of his coat to make him more comfy …. and we know for a fact that since his session, Buster has been skipping around the house (when he’s not watching tv !).
Mum Jackie later told us
“Buster has been such an affectionate cat since his trim, he genuinely seems much happier”.
Well done Buster … See you again in a few weeks chick !
chilled maisie
We’ve now met up with Maisie in Stretford, Manchester on a few occasions – and each session is becoming much easier for her.
This time around was a very gentle affair. Maisie was very calm and compliant whilst we worked through her thick coat.
Maisie isn’t keen on mum brushing her and it had reached the point where it was spoiling their relationship. So now, mum doesn’t comb – and we visit more frequently.
It’s important to keep on top of the situation as Maisie’s coat does get clumpy as she doesn’t groom as much as she used to now she’s around 14 years old.
Really nice session Maisie – Well done !
pretty phoebe
Just 8 months old, Persian Phoebe can be a feisty little girl when the mood takes her ! She lives in Winsford, Cheshire with her mum and dad and is soooo loved.
We worked through Phoebe’s undercarriage first and took some of the coat away with the clippers. The rest needed a good brush out, but wasn’t matted. Now Phoebe’s coat is thinner and comb-able, mum is going to try to get her into a routine. Little and often. We know that Phoebe doesn’t like it, but she’s a Persian so there’s only really 2 options. A daily grooming routine, or clip the coat off.
After the session, mum Janice told us :
“Thank you for your visit yesterday to groom two of my cats. Ollie and Phoebe proved to be quite a handful but your expertise won the day. Now the two have wonderful healthy looking coats and have become quite affectionate and relaxed hope you arrived home safely and looking forward to your next visit in the summer”
Good luck with the combing, Janice … Be a good girl, Phoebe !
pretty eloise
Maine Coon Eloise in Hoghton, Lancashire asked us to call in again to have a look at her coat.
Eloise is now 2 years old, and is a hefty lass already. Maine Coons don’t reach maturity until 4-5 years old.
Eloise’s coat is thick and long, and has a tendency to mat easily. Particularly as she enjoys her play time out in the woods, and she comes home with twigs and bracken hidden away in there.
A few knotty areas underneath were removed, and a good brush out elsewhere to get her in the Spring mood were in order – and we’re sure that Eloise will be feeling lighter for it.
Well done Eloise !
talkative mitzi
What a lovely session we had with Mitzi in Billinge, Wigan this time around. Well – It’s always nice, but this session was the best so far.
Mitzi has really learnt that nothing terrible is going to happen and has changed from being fidgety and restless to still and quite relaxed. Meow Meow Meow Meow …. She’s deaf you see, so she doesn’t know how much she’s going on … ! We caught this amazing piccie of Mitzi after the session ….She looks like a roaring lion – but she’s actually in the middle of a little Meow !
Mitzi’s coat was defintely ready for its Spring brush out. One or two areas underneath needed to be removed and the rest was just dead hair ! She’s all ready for Spring now !
Mum Sue later said
“Sandra visited Mitzi a week ago and did her usual wonderful job. Mitzi now regards Sandra as a good friend and does appear to almost enjoy her visits ! There are no tantrums, just a long chat from Mitzi catching up with Sandra. As usual, Mitzi looked beautiful by the time Sandra left. Thank you Sandra”
Fabby – Thanks Sue ! See you again in a few weeks time, Mitzi …
sweet missy
This new addition to our gang is Missy from Westhoughton, Bolton.
Missy is around 12 years old and has the most lovely coloured coat. It had, however, developed mats around the shoulders, armpits, sides and flanks. Missy’s back however was in good condition, therefore we decided to brush out and save what was possible – rather than a full clip. This is better for Missy as she is an outdoor cat and therefore her coat protects her.
Before the session, dad was a little apprehensive as to how Missy would interact in the session as she really isn’t keen on anyone except him. However, Missy was a little angel. She sat calmly throughout the session and really seemed to know what was going on as we clipped the problem areas away.
Perfect interaction, well done Missy ! So pleased you’ll be feeling more comfy now little girl !