Archive for June, 2014
lovely matilda
Come and meet lovely Matilda !
Although she doesn’t look it, Matilda is 18 years old (!) and lives with her housemate and family in Reddish, Stockport, Cheshire.
Matilda still plays out, but isn’t as active as her younger years. Today was all about clipping Matilda’s nails as they don’t wear down as they once did.
Fit, healthy cats that spend a lot of time outside generally naturally wear down their claws sufficiently.
However, indoor or elderly cats may need to have their claws trimmed regularly. Also, some cats have an extra toe (polydactyl) which doesn’t touch the ground (just like the normal dew claw) and may overgrow. If overgrown claws aren’t trimmed they can grow inwards into the pad and can be painful, and become infected.
Matilda wasn’t keen on the session. This was the first time she’d had her nails clipped, and it can be a strange experience for any cat, never mind at 18 years old. However, the dirty deed was over and done with within a couple of minutes, and all was well.
After the session, dad Neil said :
“Moody Matilda did sulk for a day after you clipped her claws but as you can see the old girl is back to herself now”
Really well done Matilda … What a brave girl !
gorgeous red
We called again to see a friend – 1 year old Siberian, Red. Red lives in Smallwood, Cheshire with his menagerie and family …
We meet up with Red on a regular basis to keep his coat in check. The first time we saw Red, we helped him with removal of mats around his body. His coat is now growing back very nicely indeed. Although the coat in general is much thinner now (June) to how he presents in the autumn/winter, it was still in need of a good brush out to remove small tangles and mats that had formed – particularly underneath and around the armpits.
Such a friendly boy, Red loves nothing better than to head but and chin rub right through the session. Red has the most gazing eyes, and looks straight at us whilst we are at work.
If you come over to our facebook page, you can see a short video clip of Red on the grooming table, at the end of his session.
Red likes to spend a lot of time outside, and gets caught up with all sorts of bracken and twigs etc…. We know that he feels so much more comfy after his session – and looks quite proud of himself !
Nice seeing you again, Red ! Well done and see you soon !
sweet sissy
We called in to meet up with the lovely Sissy again, in Liverpool, Merseyside. Sissy is a cream Persian who is 3 years old.
Last time we saw Sissy, we clipped her coat to relieve her of mats that had formed around her body. It was quite a long session, as some of the matting was difficult to work through, and Sissy was a bit fidgety.
Today, Sissy’s coat had partly grown back (see photo to the right of Sissy before her clip), and mum had been able to keep on top of it with the brush. We decided to clip her back once again, to help going forwards.
Sissy obviously remembered the last session and sat good as gold whilst we got to work. She’s not too keen on laying on her side, so we took as much off as possible on all 4s, before working underneath. It was a much easier, quicker session all round. The sessions are often more relaxed as they progress.
On our facebook page we have posted a short video clip of Sissy – both Before and After her clipping session. Why don’t you nip over there and have a look …
After the session, mum Ondina said :
“We decided to call Sandra again to give both Dexter and Sissy a haircut. Sissy was the first and this time her fur was in good condition. Sissy was very happy …. We are once again very happy”
Really well done Sissy. You were such a good girl !! (Dexter’s story is posted separately)
mr victor
This lovely young man is a 4 year old Red Siberian called Victor who lives with his litter brother and family in Salford, Manchester.
We were called in to meet up with Victor as his coat had developed mats around his body. The top part of his body (down his back) was pelted. Once the knots start, they can literally come on so quickly and take over. We’ve seen this so many times, with cats that we’ve worked with A large part of the rest of his coat had ad-hoc mats. We decided to clip away the problem areas, and save what was possible.
Once on the grooming table, Victor was extremely anxious. He really wasn’t keen either on the noise of the clippers. However … We began work on his back – removing the pelt that had formed. It was quite extensive and took some clipping …. Victor knew straight away what was going on and with some sweet talk from mum to help proceedings, he calmed somewhat. Throughout the session he spent considerable time ‘helping’ by washing his chest and front paws. As the pelt came away you could almost see the relief on his face (see piccies of the pelt, to the left and below)
As the clipping was quite tough, we decided to break the session into two. This was so we had a fresh start a few days later, to work around the back end and finish off underneath. On the second session, Victor settled much more quickly – again ‘helping’ out !
He can now reach some areas that he hasn’t seen for some time and he’s feeling much lighter and fresher ! If you come over to our facebook page, you can see a short video clip of Victor on the grooming table, and post session.
Afterwards, mum Anna said :
“Just wanted to say thanks again for giving Victor a much-needed haircut ! He already seems so much happier, and as you can see, he and Clyde are back to being the best of friends…no more hissing ! No doubt Victor was one of your more ‘challenging’ customers, but you were so calm and patient with him and managed to do an absolutely fantastic job ! I really appreciate it, and I’m sure that Victor secretly does too and will greet you with purring next time rather than channeling his inner Houdini ! Thanks again 🙂 xx“
Well done Victor … You were very brave and we are all really proud of you !!
darling dexter
Hands up if you remember Dexter ?!
This 3 year old Persian lives in Liverpool, Merseyside with his family. His litter sister is Sissy, although she doesn’t live with him.
We met up today for Dexter’s second clipping session. It is literally only a few weeks since the last clip, but Dexter’s hair has grown soooooo much (see photo below left, of Dexter before today’s clip) ! Incredible ! Not knotty, but extremely thick …
Last time, Dexter was quite fidgety on the grooming table. This session was a marked difference. He didn’t move an inch on the table and happily laid there whilst we clipped his coat. In fact, we think he quite liked the attention and fuss. Lots of cuddles and chat for his amusement !
There is a video clip of Dexter on our facebook page, if you want to pop over and take a look. There’s a scene before the clipping session, followed by post clip.
After the session, mum Egle said :
“We decided to call Sandra again to give both Dexter and Sissy a haircut. Sissy was the first and this time her fur was in good condition. Sissy was very happy. After Sissy was Dexter’s turn. I noticed [following his last clipping session] that he had started to self groom much more often, which I think is great and he seems happier. So that is a good reason to keep his fur shorter. He was very relaxed throughout the process (maybe a bit too relaxed, as he didn’t want to stand up for anything !). We are once again very happy”
Thanks for much for the feedback, Egle. Sissy’s story is posted separately. What a good session, Dexter. Amazing !! See you again soon ….
friendly fudge
Who remembers this lovely friendly boy ?
His name is Fudge and he lives in Astley, Greater Manchester with his family. Sorry – How old is he ? That’s right … We think he’s now 19 years old !!
We have groomed Fudge in the past. His coat is short, but due to his age / flexibility, he is no longer able to look after quite as well as during his earlier years. His coat becomes quite thick and tufty if not combed. Now, mum is well on top of the situation.
Today, we called to trim Fudge’s nails. Although he does play out a lot, he’s not wearing his nails down as he used to. So, we see him quite regularly.
Fudge is quite a nervous boy by nature, but the sessions have got easier over time. As soon as that first nail is clipped, he remembers that it’s not so terrible after all, and settles whilst we work through.
After the session, mum Sue said :
“As ever, Sandra, you did a sterling job with our boy ! You are a 100% professional, totally put him at ease and take your care and time with him ! Would never consider anyone but you to visit ! Thanks again and see you soon”
Well done Fudge !! You’re looking rather well for 19 years old !! See you soon, chicken !!
pretty princess puddes
It was nice to meet up with Princess Puddes again in Alderley Edge, Cheshire.
Princess is a Red Colourpoint Persian who is almost 15 years old. In the past, Princess has suffered with stomach problems due to ingesting hair, so now it’s important to keep her coat clipped short.
She knew from the outset what the session was all about and what to expect. Princess sat patiently (but vocally !) on the grooming table whilst we set about her clip. She is not worried about the clippers at all and is quite happy sat on all fours – but not as keen on laying on her side whilst we work underneath.
However Princess fared very well, and is now as hair free as can be for the next few weeks.
Princess even had the tufts of hair on the soles of her feet trimmed !
If you go over to our facebook page, you’ll see a short video clip of Princess after her Full Clip.
Well done Princess ! See you again in a few weeks time ….
handsome nelson
Say a big Hello to Nelson. Nelson is a 7 year old brown Maine Coon who lives with his family in Wilmslow, Cheshire.
We were asked to call to meet up with Nelson as his coat had developed some matted areas, particularly down his lower back and flanks. As with some Maine Coons, Nelson’s coat is thick and rugged and was ready for a good brush out.
Nelson is a very friendly, affectionate boy who knows that he is good looking ! We think he knew from the outset what the session was all about and he lay patiently for the most part whilst we got to work. He seemed to enjoy the music we played for him, and was quite dozy during the session.
Afterwards, he came back into the room where we’d held the session (for a nosey), and gave us a head rub. His way of saying thanks !
If you are a facebook user, pop over to our Wall where you can see a short video clip of Nelson, after his grooming session.
Well done, Nelson. Sure you’ll be feeling more comfy with your thinner coat …
mr teddy bear
We’re not sure if we’ve every met a more laid back cat …. ??!! On the left, here, is a piccie of Mr Teddy Bear just before we began his session.
Mr Teddy Bear is a 15 month old Longhaired Exotic who lives with his housemate and family in Connah’s Quay, Flintshire, Wales.
Exotics are more usually shorthaired. The longhaired variety are classed as Persians by some of the cat bodies. Mr Teddy Bear’s coat was extremely dense, and had one or two tangles – and was quite overwhelming.
In order to give both he and mum a fresh start, we decided to give him a Lion Clip.
Mr Teddy Bear seemed to realise from the start what was going on. From the moment he sat down on the grooming table, he sat contently looking out into his garden whilst we clipped away. He literally didn’t move a muscle. He wasn’t in the least bit afraid of the clippers or the situation, but rather was enjoying the fuss and attention.
We decided to leave him with a full mane, and to leave it ‘natural’ (ie. uneven/raw) – rather than trimming it with the scissors.
We played some relaxing music for Mr Teddy Bear and we think he really liked it !
When we’d finished the session, Mr Teddy Bear continued to lay happily on the table for the photoshoot ! We literally had to lift him off and tell him it was over … otherwise he’d probably still be sat there !
After the session, mum Kirsty said :
“One extremely satisfied customer ! Not only did Mr Teddy Bear want to stay on the table when you’d finished, he hasn’t stopped bouncing around since you left ! He’s like a new cat ! Thank you so much, a lovely experience for Teddy and for us, I promise I’ll send some videos of his mad half hour ! He’s like a new cat, it’s amazing ! I think the weight of that hair was really inhibiting him, he’s running around, jumping up on everything and wants to be stroked constantly ! You’ve given us a new cat ! xxx”
Hehe … Fantastic. The change for Mr Teddy Bear must be incredible and he must feel like he has a brand new body ! Pop over to our facebook page where you can see a video clip of Mr Teddy Bear – Before his clip, then on the grooming table – and then after his clip, bouncing around with Reece !! What a difference in both mood and behaviour …
It was a really nice session … Well done Mr Teddy Bear !! Also … We wonder if anyone has noticed how your tail is so curly wurly and always hangs to the left ..?!!
gorgeous moody
We called in to see one of our regular customers in Prescot, Merseyside, and got a real warm welcome. Lots of purring and head buts !
Moody is the most placid, friendly girl you can imagine. She is 14 years old, and is a Burmese.
Moody has a short, lush coat, and lets mum comb her regularly. Our job is to keep on top of her nails, and she has a trim every few weeks.
Fit, healthy cats that spend a lot of time outside generally naturally wear down their claws sufficiently.
However, indoor or elderly cats may need to have their claws trimmed regularly. Also, some cats have an extra toe (polydactyl) which doesn’t touch the ground (just like the normal dew claw) and may overgrow. If overgrown claws aren’t trimmed they can grow inwards into the pad and can be painful, and become infected.
Moody is well used to the sessions now and afterwards was full of herself, wanting attention and fussing !
See you again soon Moody …