Archive for March, 2014
pretty princess
It was lovely to see little Princess in Alderley Edge, Cheshire once again.
In the past Princess has suffered from stomach troubles from ingesting too much hair, so now it’s important to keep her coat clipped short.
Princess is 14 years old, and she knew what it was all about. She sat patiently whilst we clipped her back and sides, before we moved on to her tummy area.
Such a good girl, Princess …. Well done and see you again in a few weeks time.
just about right … or not ?
Obesity in cats can cause a range of problems.
This can include diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, hepatic lipidosis, skin problems, shortness of breath and risk during anaesthetic.
If you think your cat is obese it’s always best to speak to your vet to get a proper diagnosis – but as a very rough guide you should be able to feel (but not see) the ribs as you feel along the sides of the cat and when looking down from above the waistline should be visible – with no swaying at the sides as they walk.
the lovely elsa
We first met up with Elsa last year. She is 3 years old this month, and lives in Stockport, Cheshire.
A more gentle and polite girl you could not meet – well, at least while we were present. We have heard that she can show a little of a cheeky side when the mood takes her, although it’s hard to imagine. Elsa’s coat is in fantastic condition as mum is able to comb through daily. Our session was to give her coat a good brush out to remove any dead undercoat and get her in tip top condition for the Spring.
Elsa obviously remembered her last session and although a little fidgety on a couple of occasions, lay patiently on the grooming table for the most part whilst we got to work. Obliging at key moments by stretching out arms and legs to enable combing underneath in those difficult to reach areas, Elsa relaxed to the point where at times we thought she’d dropped off ! Head gently resting on mum’s hand, with eyes closed.
After the session Elsa presented us with a bouquet of roses and carnations as a thank you. So thoughtful of you Elsa – thank you so much, they’re gorgeous !
Following the session mum Janice said :
“Elsa says thank you Sandra, she feels so much better and looks wonderful, see you soon xx”
Keep up the good work girls !
a purrfect little hideaway ….
A perfect little hideaway for the litter tray, or maybe a quiet sleeping retreat …
handsome sam
This young man turned up at his new dad’s house in Warrington, Cheshire during late December. He was fed on the patio at first. He then plucked up the courage to enter the house – and has never looked back !
We think Sam is around 4 years old, and although a little timid at first he quickly begins to trust and is the most friendly, affectionate boy. His coat was in a nice condition, with just a couple of lugs underneath which were teased out with the fingers and combs.
Sam lay patiently on the grooming table while we worked through, and he used the time sensibly to keep an eye on his new garden and the Siamese cat from next door who was cheekily strutting her stuff. We think he enjoyed the 1:1 time that that session brought with it.
Well done Sam ! Nice to meet you and so glad you’ve found a caring home. Actually, you’ve landed on your feet !
talkative tess
Tess is a part Persian.
She lives in Wigan, Greater Manchester with mum and dad.
… and … wait for it … Tess is now 21 years old.
We first met Tess around summer time 2013. At that point lots of her coat needed to be clipped away as it had become extremely matted.
Following the last session, mum and dad Kath and Neil said :
“Sandra came to our home to groom Tess our 20 year old cat. Tess was in a really bad way with densely matted hair along her back and hind quarters due to old age and an arthritic condition. So, we really thought Sandra may not be able to deal with her extreme condition. Tess must have been one of the worst cases Sandra has had to deal with but deal with her she did and in a truly empathetic yet professional way. There was no rushing or hurrying, Sandra spent hours on her even though it was a really hot day. The special care Sandra took whilst grooming Tess, we feel made it a positive experience for her. Friends and family cannot believe the difference in Tess, she looks and acts like a cat half her age. It’s given her a new lease of life! We can’t express our thanks enough to Sandra, we both feel very lucky to have found her.”
Over the last few months, Tess’ coat has grown back in full. Mum reported that all had been well with her new coat until around Christmas, when things had started to slip. This will be because, on top of Tess not grooming herself anymore, her coat would have been reaching almost full length again and becoming too thick and clumpy – and in need of a good brush out.
When we saw Tess this time around, some areas needed to be removed and the rest of her coat was given a good brush through. Tess – as vocal as ever – didn’t enjoy the experience. She sat very calmly, of her own accord, during the clipping – but was averse to the comb. After a little swearing (from Tess, not us !), we got there.
You did well, Tess…. and you’ll feel so much better for it already, we’re sure. See you again soon.
lucky oli
Oli found his new mum just 2 weeks ago. He had been found living in a cardboard box. Now he has all the home comforts he needs !
He has settled into his new home in Leyland, Lancashire quickly and likes nothing better than to sit on mum’s knee and knead away. The problem was, however, his nails were ever so sharp. So, we popped by to sort them out.
Oli is the most affectionate young man (we think maybe about 9 years old), and he sat quietly without fuss whilst we quickly clipped his nails. It was over before he knew it.
Nice to meet you Oli. Glad you’ve found a loving home and see you again when you’ve sharpened your claws up … !
who’s the boss ?
Does this ring true in your household ??!!
It does in ours. The little ones are certainly the boss !
gorgeous josh
This lovely boy – 15 years old ! – has fallen on his feet. It’s lovely to see him being looked after, and that he has such a caring home.
Josh is a long haired domestic (DLH) and as such his coat was in need of a good brush out to remove tangles and clumps that had formed. Plus, a belly clip (hair shaved away underneath, to rid him of the mats).
It was a long session and Josh’s behaviour was impeccable. So patient, whilst we clipped away at the tight mats that had formed – and a little vocal as we teased out and brushed through his thick coat.
Adoptive mum Margaret will now be able to comb through his coat – and Josh has no reason to grumble ! After the session, Margaret in Dunkinfield, Greater Manchester told us :
“Prior to your visit our adopted 15 year old cat Josh was looking very glum. He looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. However it wasn’t the world that was weighing him down it was the large mats he had developed in his fur !!! He was quite well behaved for Sandra during his 4 hour grooming session which consisted of shaving and combing. Sandra’s patience is second to none and Josh connected with her straight away. Like a lot of middle aged men he did get a bit grumpy at times and I’m sure I heard him swear under his breath. However, Sandra won him over and I’m sure he missed her when she had gone. It was lovely to see him groom himself that evening. How proud he looked and still does. It’s taken years off him and he’s now strutting his stuff on the estate where he lives with his new adopted carers x”
Thanks so much Margaret – and so nice to meet you Josh !