young tilly
Our Services were called upon to work with Tilly, who is a 2 year old Maine Coon. Tilly is already a Large girl, but still has 2 or 3 years growth yet to come ! At full size, female Maine Coons can weigh up to 15lbs (6.8kg) – with males tipping the scales at a mighty 25lb (11kg) ! In the text books, Maine Coons are known as ‘gentle giants’ – and although this doesn’t always prove true, it is certainly the case with Tilly. The breed is said to be cautious around strangers, which interestingly mum and dad referred to in their statement below. The females are also known to be very dignified, which really does rings true with this young lady.
You can see from the photos that Tilly has lovely markings, and is exceptionally pretty. Tilly’s coat was in good condition, and the aim of the session was to brush out, and rid her of excess dead hair. This has two benefits. Firstly, it will stop Tilly ingesting hair when grooming herself (which in the extreme can cause intestinal problems) and secondly, it will reduce hair found around the house on furniture etc.
First we clipped Tilly’s nails, which she easily took all in her stride. Then we began to work through her coat – using John Paul Mitchell conditioner (tested on humans, not animals !). The photo on the left is before the groom, showing Tilly’s hair not laying flat to the body. We removed much dead hair and a couple of small tangles. Small tangles soon become larger mats if left unattended. Tilly seemed to understand that the session was for her benefit. She was very compliant and at one point was truly obliging – she laid on her side with her back legs outstretched in the air so we could easily comb through her tummy hair, whilst she purred away. If we’d have had a spare hand at this point, we would have taken a photo ! The photo below shows Tilly relaxing on the grooming table after her groom – you can see the obvious difference in her coat after much dead hair had been removed.
Following our visit, mum Paula and dad Ron from Blackpool, Lancashire fed back to us :
’twas a pleasure meeting you Sandra & for you to meet our dear Tilly. You are a very professional groomer, not only in your combing & cleaning, but also your wonderful cat language. Our Tilly like most cats I would think, is very suspicious of strangers, but you very quickly made her feel comfortable & were able to reach the parts on her, which, up to now, have been quite unreachable. It has been a delight to watch you work, absolute trust, one with the other, something Paula & I just haven’t yet been able to master. This has been very satisfying for us & I am sure for Tilly. Money very well spent. Tilly is like a child & a companion to us, so her care & well being is most important. So glad we found you & do highly recommend you. Looking forwards to your next visit.
Thanks so much, Paula and Ron ! We’ve got to say also that we are so pleased you chose our Services, and it has been a pleasure to work with Tilly. We can’t wait to meet up with you the 3 of you again next month !