wolf …… aka ‘the big bad man’
Now, just how handsome is this chick ? Wolfgang is a 3 year old Norwegian Forest Cat (NFW) who lives in Lytham St Annes, Lancashire with a few housemates and family. Not only is Wolf 3 years old – it was actually his birthday the day we called. What a birthday gift for him !!
Wolf is a big, strong lad. Not sure what he weighs, but NFCs don’t mature until they are around 4-5 years old so he may still get a little larger !
It’s fair to say that Wolf – aka ‘The Big Bad Man’ – really isn’t keen on the grooming process. Particularly around his rear quarters. However, that’s where attention was required !
We took away a few small ad-hoc mats from around that area and underneath. His coat is so long, it easily becomes tangled and picks up foreign objects. We listened to Wolf’s complaints and treated him with the due respect he deserved, but non-the-less got on with proceedings and we think that really, he knew it was all for the greater good.
Afterwards, Wolf went out in the garden for a wash and to sort himself out. A few minutes later he was back peering through the glass door, nosy crowing at what we were doing ! What a character !
Mum Val later said :
“Massive thanks to Sandra for her expert grooming of Timmy Tail, Baby Blue and Wolfgang today ! 🙂 Yes , WOLFGANG 🙂 🙂 Sandra clearly felt the need for a challenge today and offered to groom The Big Bad Man too 🙂 🙂 I’ve always believed Wolf to be a two person cat when it comes to grooming but no, Sandra handled him brilliantly 🙂 🙂 It’s fair to say Wolf wasn’t impressed though 🙂 🙂 🙂 I however am 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 It’s made my day 🙂 “