the pretty orientals
We called in to see these 2 little girls again, in Urmston, Manchester…
Florence and Tiger-Lily are Oriental Shorthair Mix – and they have obviously read all the books about their breed because their traits are just as they should be. The Oriental was developed using the Siamese as a base and crossing with other breeds. They are very talkative cats and highly opinionated – and you are expected to listen ! Orientals are extremely fond of their human and like to be “helpful” and will follow you around and supervise your every move. They are highly intelligent, agile, athletic and love to play. Just like our girls Florence and Tiger-Lily !
Saying all of that, the girls are a little nervous with strangers. However, it’s pleasing that each time we visit them to clip nails, the girls are noticeable less so. They really have learnt from their experience – and that Hey, it’s not that bad. Two minutes maximum and it’s all over for another few weeks.
Well done girlies – it was nice to see you both again !