sweet ruby
Ruby is a 2 year old Himalayan (or Himalayan Persian) who lives in Altrincham, Cheshire.
We were asked to meet up with Ruby as she’d developed mats in certain areas – mainly underneath and around the flanks. However, the rest of her coat was extremely thick and the best way forward all round was to give Ruby a fresh start with a clip.
Before the session, Ruby was extremely quiet and subdued. We think the pelt underneath was restricting her movement, plus she had an enormous coat in general. She wasn’t a happy chick. See piccie on right of Ruby before the session.
Ruby was an extremely patient little girl as we worked through her coat and it was pleasing to see it come away. Here’s a piccie of Ruby’s back, as her right side was clipped. You can see the coat coming away – and then another picture of that hair on the floor, later.
Ruby is going to feel like a new woman ! Indeed, mum reported that Ruby has now starting playing again with her housemate – like youngsters should do !
Good stuff Ruby ! Well done chicky !