sweet misty
This pretty young lady is 10 month old tabby Maine Coon Misty.
Misty has been with her mum and dad in Oldham since she left her litter, and was fortunate to move to her new home along with her littermate. They pair of them enjoy life ! Chasing round and playing, like kittens do …
Although Misty is such a friendly little girl, and likes attention, she’s not that keen on mum combing her. A couple of brush strokes, and she’s off … So, one or two mats had developed underneath, around the armpits and rear quarters.
However, Misty really got into the swing of things during our session. She was a little apprehensive at first, as we worked on the tight mats. We think they had been irritating her as she’d begun to try to remove one of them herself. However, once she realised that actually the clipper didn’t hurt, she relaxed and lay quietly and contently. Eyes closed listening to the music we played for her. Working around her rear end wasn’t Misty’s ideal pastime, but we did it in stages and as we went on, Misty was obliging by stretching out her back legs for the best possible positions !
After the session, mum Peggy said :
“My precious babies looking like little angels thanks to Sandra who was/is a kind and caring groomer. Their first visit looking forward to next time. Love from Misty, Meascha n their Mummy n Daddy xxxx”
Clever girl, Misty ! Such a nice first session. Well done !