sweet missy
This new addition to our gang is Missy from Westhoughton, Bolton.
Missy is around 12 years old and has the most lovely coloured coat. It had, however, developed mats around the shoulders, armpits, sides and flanks. Missy’s back however was in good condition, therefore we decided to brush out and save what was possible – rather than a full clip. This is better for Missy as she is an outdoor cat and therefore her coat protects her.
Before the session, dad was a little apprehensive as to how Missy would interact in the session as she really isn’t keen on anyone except him. However, Missy was a little angel. She sat calmly throughout the session and really seemed to know what was going on as we clipped the problem areas away.
Perfect interaction, well done Missy ! So pleased you’ll be feeling more comfy now little girl !