pretty as a fleur
Take a look at our lovely Persian Chinchilla, named Fleur. She is a gentle, elderly lady of around 13 years old. We were contacted to groom Fleur as she had developed mats around the body, which needed attention. The aim of the groom was to save as much of the hair as possible, but the extent of the mats meant that a large proportion of the coat needed to be clipped away.
After the groom Fleur set about grooming herself – no doubt feeling less restricted in her movements, and more comfortable all around. It will take a good few months – maybe 5 or 6 – for the hair to grow fully back, but in the meantime it will be much more manageable for Fleur. The picture on the right is of Fleur’s right side. She has her head turned to the left, grooming herself over her left shoulder.
We then tried to get a good photograph of Fleur, but by this time her tummy was telling her it was teatime and food was the only thing on her mind as she slunk off towards her bowl ! The photo top left is Fleur enjoying her tea, after being clipped.
Fleur’s coat will grow back silky and it will be easier to manage for a while – but will still need regular brushing to ensure it remains tangle free.
After the session Fleur’s mum Hazel, of Northwich, Cheshire fed back to say that she was happy with the grooming.