persian poppy

Here’s Persian Poppy from Accrington, Lancashire after her latest Lion Clip.
Poppy has the most cotton wool-y coat. It is very difficult to comb, which makes for Poppy not enjoying being combed all. Therefore, it quickly and easily becomes pelted.
We’ve taken Poppy’s coat away a couple of times previously when her coat has been extremely matted, and they were difficult sessions for Poppy.
Today was Poppy’s first timely maintenance clip and it made for a much easier session for Poppy. Her coat was growing back nicely (although unevenly ?) from last time and we took it back again. We caught it just at the point where it was beginning to mat, under her chin, with her armpit and chest just beginning to knot..
Poppy responded by being much less fidgety as her coat came away much easier.
Well done Poppy !!