miss tilly
Tilly gave us a call from Blackpool, Lancashire and said she thought it was time we met up again for a brush out.
Tilly is a 3 year old Silver Tabby Maine Coon who lives with her mum and dad. We last saw her during the summer and at that time, Tilly had her summer coat. Today, her hair was much thicker but she’s done well keeping on top of it.
It was a warm, sunny afternoon so we were able to hold the session outside, in Tilly’s cat house. It’s much more preferable than inside as there’s usually a bit of a breeze to keep us cool.
More recently, Tilly has had the freedom of the garden to explore – which she adores – and it’s fair to say that she’d rather have been out there on the other side of the cat house door. However, we had a good brush out to get her in shape for the winter months to come.
Nice session, Tilly. Well done !