miss misty
Misty is a 17 year old lady, who needed our Services. Her short/semi-long hair had become matted, particularly down her back and sides and the rest of her coat was thick and clumpy – in need of a real good work through. We saved what we could and gave the rest of her body a short clip. The amount of dead hair that came away was immense, and she will definitely reap the rewards straight away.
Here’s the hair that came away ….
Misty’s dad had told us that she no longer grooms herself, so we were hoping that this session would give her a new lease of life and put that spring back in her step ! She certainly looked 5 years younger at the end of the grooming process !
A few days after the session, dad David from Chorley, Lancashire told us :
“Since Misty’s groom, she likes to be stroked down her back – where the mats used to be. When I stop stroking her, she touches my face to do it again. Misty is 17 years old, but the groom has taken years off her. She is now so content !”
It’s so pleasing to hear that Misty is feeling so good about herself, and we can’t wait to meet up with her again in 3 months time to keep on top of her coat ….