miss miffy
Say Hi to Miffy from Stockport, Greater Manchester. A very pretty 8 year old, long haired, tortoiseshell.
Miffy had developed some tangles and matted areas around her back end, sides and tummy which needed attention. We clipped away what couldn’t be saved and gave her remaining hair a brush out.
She’s a very vocal lady, and talked throughout the session. We’re sure she was quite aware of what the session was about as almost immediately afterwards she started with a little self grooming. Now her coat isn’t as overwhelming, we hope she’ll be able to keep on top of it.
Dad Neil from Stockport, Greater Manchester later told us :
“Miffy is a much happier cat after her grooming. So much so that she’s started bringing home dead birds again ! This is worrying for the local bird population”.
Oh, cheeky lady ! …. but pleased you’re feeling more comfy, Miffy.