miss mia
We met up with new chick Mia in Denton, Manchester recently.
Mia is 3 years old and she’s a Persian cross Ragdoll. So, she had a long, thiccccccck coat to contend with.
As Mia’s not keen on being combed, this can prove tricky and her coat was definitely ready for a good thinning out and removal of a few problem areas.
Due to the amount of work necessary (Mia is a big girl, too !), the Session was pretty hard going. So, we decided to break off and reconvene at a later date. This definitely benefitted Mia, whose demeanour was much less fidgety and much more relaxed during Phase 2.
It was lovely to hear from mum Wendy a few days after the Session. Wendy told us how things had improved ….
“…she is such a different little or should I say big lady since you groomed her. She lets me groom her without fuss, she lays down on the table for me with no struggling at all, she seems to really enjoy being brushed and also has gone really affectionate … have put this down to you building her confidence up and making her feel at ease …”
Fantastic stuff !