meet dalmore
We were asked to meet up with Dalmore – a real handsome blue pointed Ragdoll – as he was in need of a thorough grooming session.
Ragdolls have blue eyes and are large and muscular semi-longhair cats, with soft and silky coats. Dalmore is a very mild mannered young man, inkeeping with the text book description of placid temperament and affectionate nature.
We worked through Dalmore’s coat – teasing out smaller tangles, clipping away one or two larger matted areas, and brushing out the rest of the coat to remove dead hair.
Mum Lynn from Fleetwood, Lancashire fed back to us following our session :
Thank you Sandra for an excellent job in grooming our Ragdoll cat Dalmore. We consider ourselves very lucky finding EssentiallyPurrfect as it’s very hard to find a cat groomer with your expertise and knowledge. I was a bit apprehensive having Dalmore groomed as he does not like to be handled much, but you made it look so easy he even let you clip his claws. I have no hesitation in recommending you. Dalmore and I are looking forward to your next visit in the near future.
Thanks Lynn ! It was a pleasure to work with Dalmore and we can’t wait to meet up again !!