friendly oliver
A new member of our crew for you to meet today : Oliver, who hangs out in Bolton, Greater Manchester.
Oliver is around 2½ years old, and he’s a British Short Hair, with a long hair gene (a British Longhair). He’s quite a hefty guy, weighing in at around 8kg (18lb), and he’s the most sweet, adorable, gentle boy you could imagine.
We decided to give Oliver a Lion Clip as parts of his coat were matted, and the remainder was thick and would have been difficult to brush out. See piccie on right of Oliver’s big, thick coat before the session. We began on top – which was fine, Oliver said. However, Oliver wasn’t at all keen on lying on his side so we could reach his undercarriage. Therefore, we did as much of the session as feasibly possible from the top. Quite squirmy to say the least whilst we were working around his rear quarters and back legs – but happy as Larry when we were fussing around his head !
We’re sure that Oliver will approve of his new look and feel much more comfortable for it. Good stuff, Oliver !
In fact, a little while after the session, mum Sue told us :
“Oliver is such a happy little chap now, contented and likes to play more. I got him from the cattery a couple of days ago. No knots, not grumpy but happy. So thank you for your hard work and see you in July”
Looking forward to seeing you again in a few weeks time chicky !