essentiallypurrfect catwalk weekend
Today’s the start of the very first EssentiallyPurrfect Catwalk Weekend !
Hi Everyone … We thought we’d start a weekend feature, where we can all post snippets and/or piccies of our cats on our facebook page.
Maybe a different theme each weekend ? For example, one week we could post photos of our cats when they were kittens. Another week, it could be in their best relaxing pose or strangest sleeping place, or you with you your kitty – that kind of thing. Or maybe each week is too frequent …. Would, monthly be better ? Any ideas at all, please let us know on Facebook.
It’s a while since we’ve groomed some of your kitties, and we haven’t met others. So, may we kick off today with updates / introductions ? A few words – name, age, whatever you like – with a piccie if you can. It’d be lovely for everyone to be able to admire your babes – and the more the merrier …
Here’s 2 of ours. SexyEd and LG (Little Girl). Brother and sister, almost 14 years old although they do look (and act !) a lot younger. Probably down to all the beauty sleep they get in a typical day !
Anyone can join in. Let’s have a look at your babes – don’t be shy ! Please come over and join us on facebook today !