mrs mitzi
Here’s Mitzi in Wigan, Greater Manchester after her latest maintenance Session.
We see Mitzi regularly, but there is always a tremendous amount of dead hair that comes away. Incredible, really.
We think that Mitzi is about 11 years old. She is quite deaf these days, but that doesn’t stop her having a good chat whilst we work through her coat. A real gentle girl, and sooooo interesting !
Here’s Mitzi and the hair removed during this Session.
happy harvey
We took Harvey’s coat shorter for him during his latest session in Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire.
There’s such a lot of it, and it’s long. Harvey finds it difficult to manage so we decided to try a shorter look.
He enjoyed his usual short Belly Clip, then on top we tried a more teddy bear finish. Not a neat clip, but more rugged with a little fluff left on. Not for everyone, but certainly good for Harvey !
What do you think ? Come over to our facebook page and let us know …..
the birman sisters
Sisters Daisy and Lily from Preston, Lancashire were due their maintenance sessions recently.
As mum and dad are now so well on top of their Birman coats, today was all about mainicure/pedicures and paw trims.
It’s fantastic to see these 2 girls have settled so well into their new lives. It’s taken some work, as they were quite unsettled when they were rescued from the shelter – especially Lily. However, it’s all paid off and now they enjoy the lives of little princesses !
such a babe
Young Persian Samson in Padiham, Lancashire was feeling much comfier after his latest Session.
We removed areas that couldn’t be worked through and brushed out the rest.
Here’s the little guy just chillin’ on the sofa a few minutes after his Session, whilst we cleared up.
sir lancelot
Maine Coon Lancelot found today’s Session so much easier.
Lancelot lives with his family and housemate in Halifax, Yorkshire. He’s around 4 years old now and is a Biiiiig boy. Long, tall and weighty !
…. as we were saying, today was Lancelot’s second Session and it was a much calmer affair. Timely Maintenance sessions usually are. First of all the coat isn’t as difficult to work through, making the Session easier for chick in that respect – and also chick knows what to expect from the Session. Lots of fuss, sweet talk – as well as feeling like a million dollars afterwards.
We worked through Lancelot’s coat today and remove odd lumps and bumps, and brushed out the rest. We did still have a few moments when Lancelot thought he knew best and that probably we ought to have finished by now, but he tolerated well and really settled into the Session. We saw those paws kneading, Lancelot ! Just little tell tale signs, you know …… !
dashing dalmore
Dalmore was his usual friendly self when we called in on him in Fleetwood, Lancashire this time around.
6 years old now. Dalmore’s Ragdoll coat is fluffy and needs some work. Mum’s done well keeping on top of things and today Dalmore enjoyed his usual Belly Clip and Hygiene Trim (he’s not as keen on being brushed under there, so this makes life easier all round).
Meow, meow, meow ….. Oh, so interesting but what a tale, Dalmore !
how nosey ?
Young British Shorthair Mary. 21 mnths old. Altrincham. Cheshire.
Every so friendly – and every sooooooooo nosey.
Mary enjoyed her latest manicure session, there’s no doubt. She got herself up onto the grooming table and laid down. She was ready and waiting !
miss molly
We called in to meet up with 16 year old Molly from Darwen, Lancashire.
Molly is quite a fiesty lady. She’s not keen on being groomed and has no compunction with making this known.
Today, Molly’s coat was thick and clumpy. Surprisingly, it was also very thick underneath. We worked through and removed a tremendous amount of excess hair.
Here’s Molly – Before and After her Session -along with the hair that came away. That’s a lot, for a short haired cat !
sweet hercules
It was so nice to see young Persian Hercules again in Padiham, Lancashire.
We last met up earlier in the year. Both then and today, Hercules’ coat was ready for a good work through. We removed pelted areas and saved where we could.
Hercules is a quiet, nervous boy. He tolerated the clipping very well though and we know that he now feels like a million dollars.
We’ll see you again soon Hercules for your maintenance session to keep on top of things.
a little tiger
Persian Tigger in Bury, Greater Manchester was ready for his maintenance session when we called in on him recently.
We took away much of Tigger’s undercarriage to make him comfier and removed dead hair from on top.
Ever so friendly as always, and such a sweet smile ! Nice seeing you again, Tigger !