black cats need a chance

Black cats spend much longer in rescue shelters than other cats, waiting to be adopted. Reports from one animal charity are that one in five people say “I don’t want to see any bl…ack cats”. The problem has got so bad it’s been dubbed ‘Black Cat Syndrome”
Reasons for black cats not being chosen / being dumped include : Too plain. Too dull. Don’t match the furniture. Just discovered not allowed to keep pets. Frighten the children. Looks too much like the neighbour’s cat. Worried will trip over it at night. Black cats are unlucky.
But seemingly high on the list is that black cats aren’t photogenic. They don’t photograph well, and this doesn’t go down well with the modern obsession of social media. How sad is that ?
Here’s our beautiful Jimmy. We adopted him and his black sister from a fantastic cat shelter – Furry Tails Feline Welfare, at Blackpool, Lancashire. They are adorable !