betsy boo
We called on this 3 year old chick, to take a look at her coat. Betsy Boo has been with her mum and dad for a couple of years, and from the stories we heard about her, she’s a right little character. She even has her own Facebook page !
Mum does brush Betsy, but we don’t think she’s been professionally groomed before. It’s fair to say that she really didn’t care for having her nails clipped – Betsy would have rather been somewhere else, with someone else ! However, we moved on and after we had then clipped away the first tight mat from under the armpit, Betsy began to settle and resigned herself to the session somewhat. As the session went on, we think she realised it wasn’t that bad … and maybe she even wondered what all the fuss had been about ! Or maybe (as she is renowned for being an escape artist extraordinaire) she was miffed that she hadn’t been able to outdo us, and leave the table !
After the session, mum Jill from Wythenshawe, Manchester said :
“Betsy is a very happy little girl right now! Giving lots of cuddles so I think she’s pleased!!!! Thanks for being so patient with her! You are fabulous!”
You look lovely, Betsy Boo … Glad you’re feeling more comfy with your coat !