baby blue
This gorgeous tabby Maine Coon is just 15 months old, and is called Baby Blue. He lives in Lytham St Annes, Lancashire with his housemates and family.
Quite a nervous boy by nature, Baby Blue was very apprehensive when we arrived. He wasn’t keen on being talked to or touched and spent some time checking us out from underneath his cat tower.
We’d been called in basically for a brush out, and to remove a couple of small mats that had formed underneath. Once in the chosen grooming room – before the start of the session – Baby Blue was very nervous. He was calling out and looking for an escape route. However, once on the grooming table he settled quite quickly and after a few more meows, became calm.
Baby Blue was very compliant during the session, allowing us to work underneath with the clippers and comb. At first he was wary of the noise of the clippers, but soon realised that it didn’t hurt. He talked to us intermittently (Baby Blue is a very vocal guy, day to day). We answered – and had a good chat ! He even told us that he needed his litter tray towards the end of the session. After Baby Blue had relieved himself, we continued with his brush out.
After the grooming session, Baby Blue went straight to his filling station for a top up … Well, it had been a good hour since he last ate !
After the session, mum Val said :
“Thank you Sandra, for your expert grooming of Baby Blue 🙂 doesn’t he look wonderful”
Fantastic ! Really well done Baby Blue … We’re soooo proud of you !