a rather large tiny
We called in to see Tiny again in Didsbury, Manchester. Tiny is a not so tiny Maine Coon of around 3 years old who lives with his housemates and family.
It’s a good few months since we last saw Tiny and he was as handsome as ever. He’s an extremely large boy. Very gentle – although very fidgety !
Tiny had developed a few ad-hoc knotted areas, so we decided the best approach would be to take about the lower section of his coat to give him a fresh start.
Very obliging at times was Tiny – outstretching various limbs to help proceedings – balanced by moments of plotting his next escape attempt, when he’d decided he had better things to do that afternoon.
All told, Tiny will definitely be feeling the benefit of his troubles now. Much more comfy, Tiny !
A few days after the session, mum Ann said
“Thanks, Sandra. He is indeed much, much more comfy and will now let me tickle tummy and armpits (previously unheard of)! Am really trying to brush him every day but he still manages to collect sticks, slugs, leaves and other items from the garden on his body. I am sure he is a new breed and doesn’t have fur but has velcro instead.”