cheeky harvey
Harvey from Northwich, Cheshire is a 2 year old Maine Coon. He is already extra large at around 21 lb (9.5 kg), so will be quite a giant when he reaches maturity at around 5 years old.
Harvey shows typical Maine Coon traits in that he is a little cheeky, playful and yet so gentle. He showed a keen interest in acquainting himself with our tools and equipment, including a thorough examination of the grooming table ! Here he is, on the photo on the left, way before we were ready to start. He gave the table a real good checking out and was thoroughly happy being up there of his own accord – until it came time for his grooming session. At this point Harvey had already made his mind up that he’d rather be out in the garden with his playmates !
His coat was in good condition and was brushed through to remove dead undercoat. There were just a couple of small tangles on his underside, and under the armpit that needed to be removed. Harvey’s insatiable appetite for his favourite treats helped to take his mind off the proceedings !
…. and here is the young man, relaxing in his basket, after his groom. Looking exceptionally handsome …..