billy boy
We were delighted to be invited to groom Billy, an especially handsome long haired silver tabby. Billy’s coat was in good condition, but had recently developed a few tangles around the tummy, trousers and private area (ie. his bum !).
We clipped the mats away where necessary, and gave Billy a thorough brushing to remove dead undercoat. As Billy has such a lot of extremely long hair, the areas that have been clipped away aren’t too visible but Billy will definitely reap the benefits, as his coat will be more-easy-to manage.
Following the session, mum Christine from Lower Darwen, Lancashire said :
“4 year old Billy’s first groom … I was a little apprehensive but Sandra was great, very calm and patient with Billy. The finished job was astounding. Billy really looked like a “glamourpuss”. I aim to keep on top of the grooming myself, but will probably need Sandra’s help again. Well done”.
Thanks Christine, for letting us work with Billy ! Of course, we’d love to work with him again if the need arises.