sweet pearl
Who remembers this sweet 7 year old chick from Wigan, Greater Manchester ?
Pearl is a Selkirk Rex variant. Selkirk Rex’s can be long or short haired and both coats are plush and curly. The Straight coated Selkirk Rex Variants do not carry the Rex gene. In fact, Pearl’s coat is very much like a British Short Hair (BSH / British Blue) as it is soooo dense.
The last time we met up with Pearl – which was the first time – she took the session all in her stride. She has a lovely plush coat and just needed to lose some of that excess fluff !!
Today was just the same. Pearl lay contently on the bed whilst we prepared for the session. Cuddles and head bumps galore. Then (although she was a tiny bit fidgety) she really did enjoy all the attention that a session brings with it. Lots of fuss and chat whilst the hair came away.
Nice session, Pearl !