a free spirit
Spirit. A most gorgeous Persian Himalyan with a biiiiiiiggggg coat. He lives in Cheadle, Stockport, Cheshire with his housemate and family.
At 7 years old, Spirit is well on top of his coat and in the main takes care of it himself. However, there is a lot of ! See piccie of Spirit below, before the session …
Last time we saw Spirit we had a real good brush out. Only one or 2 tangles, but lots of dead hair came away. Today, we decided to let Spirit have a clip to make life easier all round for him.
Spirit was very settled as we began the session – on top and sides. However, really wasn’t keen on his underneath being clipped. Lots of sweet talk and we got there.
However …… After the session, the results were immediately apparent. Spirit spent the next (hour ?) having the best wash you can imagine. He could reach bits that he hadn’t seen for years and it was obvious that he was amazed !
We know that you’ll be feeling great, Spirit ! Well done fellow !