handsome whiskey
Whiskey … What a lovely lad to meet up with !
He’s a 2 year old Maine Coon who now lives with his new mum and family in Rochdale, Greater Manchester. It’s fair to say that he’s fallen on his feet !
Whiskey lets mum comb him a little, but really isn’t keen on his rear quarters being attended to. A few mats had developed around that area which needed to be zipped away. His lower body – base of back, tail, flanks – were thick and needed a lot of hair removing. The rest of his coat in comparison was thinner and not as much came away.
The challenge, however, was working on Whiskey’s rear quarters. He really was determined that his mats were to stay put. However, they had to come away and we finally persuaded him as much.
After the session, mum Vicky said
“Thank you so much for today Sandra, Whiskey has finally come out of his hiding spot and is curled by my feet on the bed sleeping. He’s happy as larry and can’t quite believe he’s matt free (he keeps looking at me in surprise) you were fantastic and so patient with him when he was such a grump. Thank you again we appreciate your work so much. Vicky and Whiskey”
Thanks Vicky ! … So pleased to hear that Whiskey is feeling more comfy ! Well done Whiskey, we know it wasn’t your idea of a perfect way to spend the morning !