jasper lou
Jasper Lou. Well, just Jasper really – but we like to add the Lou as his smoochie coochie name ….
Jasper lives in Stockport, Cheshire and he’s now 4 years old – and he has the most amazing, thick, full coat you could imagine. Mum manages to keep on top of it so well.
Not a knot in sight – we worked through his coat and removed lots of dead hair from the winter months (see piccie). Jasper is always so patient and he lay still whilst we got through the session. He’s a chatterbox. Meow meow meow….. and of course we always answer with “really ?!” or “that’s right” or “never !”…. just to please him.
After the session Jasper was in the mood for a photoshoot and posed happily whilst we found his best side.
Well done Jasper ! See you again in the Autumn, fellow ….