talkative mitzi
What a lovely session we had with Mitzi in Billinge, Wigan this time around. Well – It’s always nice, but this session was the best so far.
Mitzi has really learnt that nothing terrible is going to happen and has changed from being fidgety and restless to still and quite relaxed. Meow Meow Meow Meow …. She’s deaf you see, so she doesn’t know how much she’s going on … ! We caught this amazing piccie of Mitzi after the session ….She looks like a roaring lion – but she’s actually in the middle of a little Meow !
Mitzi’s coat was defintely ready for its Spring brush out. One or two areas underneath needed to be removed and the rest was just dead hair ! She’s all ready for Spring now !
Mum Sue later said
“Sandra visited Mitzi a week ago and did her usual wonderful job. Mitzi now regards Sandra as a good friend and does appear to almost enjoy her visits ! There are no tantrums, just a long chat from Mitzi catching up with Sandra. As usual, Mitzi looked beautiful by the time Sandra left. Thank you Sandra”
Fabby – Thanks Sue ! See you again in a few weeks time, Mitzi …