the danger of rocksalt and anti-freeze
Now the snow is really here – the gritters are out, anti-freeze in abundance – we need to be vigilant for the sake of our cats and dogs.
As reported by the Daily Mail, dogs and cats are walking through the substances left by gritters trying to clear roads and car drivers defrosting their windscreens and then licking them off their paws. Consuming rock salt can cause dehydration, liver failure and pancreatitis, while anti-freeze contains the chemical ethylene glycol, which can be lethal when ingested …
The article advises that the symptoms of ingesting anti-freeze include vomiting, seizures, appearing sleepy and a heightened breathing rate – whilst symptoms of consuming rock salt include include burns to the mouth and throat and excessive salivating and drinking.
Read the full article at : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1341137/Hundreds-dogs-cats-die-rock-salt-scattered-gritters-big-freeze.html
Good advice from the RSPCA Preston is that if you walk your dog on gritted areas make sure their paws are washed either by walking them through a few puddles away from the gritted surfaces or by dipping their feet in fresh water once home.
Contact a vet immediately if you suspect your pet may have been in contact with these substances, or if you see any warning signs or symptoms.