did you know … ?
Kittens are born toothless, with the first ‘milk’ teeth emerging at around 2-4 weeks old. They’ll then have these deciduous teeth (26 of them) until they start falling out around 3-4 mont…hs.
By the time they are 6 months old, cats have their adult set of 30 teeth – 16 on top and 14 at the bottom – and each type of tooth plays an important role. The 30 teeth are made up of :
Incisors (12). These are the very small teeth at the front. Minimal use, but are used to hold prey and for grooming.
Canines (4). These are the long teeth, 2 top and 2 bottom. Used to kill and shred prey
Pre-Molars (10). Used for chewing (cutting through meat and bone)
Molars (4). Again, used for chewing (through meat and bone)
See Illy’s canines and incisors ? Aren’t they a fine set !