the lovely dolly
Who remembers this little lady ? Dolly !
Dolly is now 18 months old, and lives with her mum and dad in Carnforth, Lancashire. She is a Persian Cross and has a lovely fluffy coat to go with it !
We were asked to call in to see Dolly again as she’d developed a few tangles and mats – mainly underneath and around her trouser area. She was ever so good … Let us clip away no worries, and brush out the remainder of her coat. After a while Dolly started to get fidgety but we were nearing the end by the point anyway.
After the session, dad Ian said :
“Thanx 4 the great job u did with Dolly. After such a long time she wasn’t at her best, but she is now. Now that we have booked regular visits she should be easy 2 keep up with. Thanx again”
We’ll be calling in again to see you in a few weeks time, Dolly. Be good …Look after yourself and let dad brush you until then …..